From the Principal

Term 1 Week 6 Matt Mulree

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Thank you for your ongoing support across this term. It has been great to have the opportunity to work with many of you so far this term, and meet new families across the first five weeks.


Governing Council

On Wednesday  26/2 our Governing Council was officially ratified for 2020. Many thanks to ongoing support of our community members to take on roles this year. Our leadership structure for 2020:

- Pat Smith: to continue as Chairperson 2020

- Jo Ness: to continue as Deputy Chairperson

- Kerry Higgins: Finance  

- Nicole Price: Fundraising

- Jo Ness: Secretary

- Anna Mazel: Canteen

- Adam Livingstone: Sports/Assets

- Rebecca Nicol: Education/Wellbeing


Staff Car Park

Staff car park signs have been placed to highlight the need for parents not to park in this space. Staff have been closing the gates, but parents are still parking here! This is a major safety concern in the afternoon and morning drop off times, parents please do not park in the car park adjacent the hall!


CEO Visit/ Student Leaders

Students leaders toured Rick Peerse CEO of DfE around in Week 3. He was impressed with the sites community feel and commented positively on our shared focus and directions for 2020. Our school leaders have begun their work after a workshop with Tina. The House leaders are working with Marley Reid to begin looking at lunch time games, supporting students with PE and having focused clinics for specific Sports. Other leaders in STEM, Arts and JP buddies have also begun to work across the school.


Centre Court Upgrade

The site has received funds for capital works to upgrade the surface of the rear car park, remove an oil tank under the netball court and completely upgrade quad drainage system. There is no ETA on a start date but is expected to be commenced and completed across 2020. This will provide an overdue facelift to a significant area in the school.



We had perfect weather for swimming last week and feedback from the instructors was that our students were extremely well behaved. I ‘d like to thank all the parents and family members who came along and helped the children get changed and move safely from the classroom to the pool. Thanks to Liz and her team for providing quality instruction across the week.


Pool Upgrade

Our pool is a great asset and is highly valued  by our community. However, it is in need of an upgrade and resurface. This will be an ongoing conversation for our assets team in governing council and will be one of the focus areas for our fundraising across the year.



Congratulations to Archie and Josh from our upper primary classes who have been selected to be a part of the Airport District SAPSASA Cricket and Tennis teams respectively. We wish them all the best as they prepare for the carnival weeks later in the term.


Pupil Free Day

Our site will be closed for a Pupil Free Day, Friday 6/3. All staff will be engaged in a Professional development opportunity with teachers across our partnership focusing on Learning Design and moderation in Writing. Staff will also be investigating the Brightpath tool as a framework to assess narrative writing. This will be a great opportunity for staff to improve practice and develop their teaching and learning programs to better suit the needs to students at West Beach Primary School.


Public Holiday

Just a remainder that this Monday (9/3) is a public holiday. Please stay safe and enjoy the long weekend with your family!


If you have any query or concerns please pop in to see me or contact the school and organise  a time to meet.


Matt Mulree

Acting Principal