Achievement Awards
At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff.
Congratulations to the following students
Rm 3 - Sydney - For persisting with his reading fluency and comprehension
Rm 3 - Otto - For using interesting and tricky works in his writing
Rm 4 - Jordan - For settling into his new class and school
Rm 4 - Abby - For showing great leadership skills both inside and outside the classroom
Rm 5 - Jet - For always being persistent during class activities
Rm 5 - Hunter - For always being a kind and helpful member of our classroom
Rm 5a - Eden - Being tiger focused
Rm 5a - Byron - For using persistence with writing
Rm 10 - Holly - Excellence in analysing data during maths
Rm 10 - Oliver - High level of focus in English and Maths
Rm 11 - Tamara - For settling into her new class
Rm 11 - Ky - For his insightful contributions during class discussions
Rm 17 - Gabi - For always being persistent during class activities
Rm 17 - Bailey - Showing persistence and improvement across all learning areas
Rm 19 - Ashiyah - For settling back into the Largs Bay School Community so quickly
Rm 19 - Wesley - For always being kind to others in class
Rm 23 - Xavier - Displaying an improved attitude to learning and greater persistence when completing tasks
Rm 23 - Joshua - Working harder at home and school to improve his reading skills
Rm 26 - Dzenna - Outstanding achievement in Maths
Rm 26 - Myles - Showing persistence and improvement across all learning areas
Rm 27 - Pru - For playing an active role in the school community
Rm 27 - Nicholas - For always being willing to help out in any way he can
Rm 29 - Mitchell - Being a confident mathematician
Rm 29 - Shontae - Showing persistence in writing
Rm 30 - Jundamara - Settling into a new class
Rm 30 - Emma - Always persisting with her work and taking pride in her presentation
Rm 31 - Danielle - Striving for accuracy in her maths work
Rm 31 - Hamish - Showing excellent getting along skills and caring for others
Rm 32 - Maddie - Excellent work on problem solving tasks in maths
Rm 32 - Mikayla - Excellent oral language presentation of Rewilding Research
Rm 33 - Charlize - Keen, on task and high level of participation
Rm 33 - Hunter - Positive effort and high level of participation
OSHC Award
Room 3
Attendance Award
Room 30