Student Leadership News

Meet the College Captains
After speaking at assemblies a few times last year, we still feel that we weren’t properly introduced. So, we would like to use this rather more interpretive platform to present ourselves and keep you up to date with all things Leadership Team in 2020.
As this is the beginning of a new school year, there’s little to summarise, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to write to you, not as the 2020 College Captains, but as Sarah and Grace …
Hi, I’m Sarah Garlick and I am one of the MFG College Captains for 2020. I am beyond thrilled to take on this leadership position here at our school and to be working alongside Grace and the rest of the leadership team this year. I have been studying at Matthew Flinders since year 7 and I loved every minute of it. I always enjoy coming to school, ready to learn surrounded by an extremely supportive community. I don’t really have a favourite subject at school because I thoroughly enjoy them all. I’m an avid reader and I have been since I was very young, and I have recently been branching out and reading some other genres that I am not entirely familiar with. I have a great love for music, all aspects of it from listening to my favourite songs to making my own music. I mainly play guitar as my instrument of choice however I know just a little of piano and ukulele.
Hello all, I’m Grace Robson, known to you as a 2020 College Captain. I feel honoured to act with Sarah as a positive presence and representative to my beloved school. In this get-to-know-you article, I could talk about my academic background and hopes for my future, but I’d rather portray myself on a more personal level, so here are five facts about me:
I am a stationary fiend and an organisation lover
I fractured my leg these holidays when my younger brother tackled me down a hill
I have been taking dance classes for nine years
I’m a sudoku enthusiast
I’m a fan of any films, music, fashion, culture, etc. from the 80s.
Within each of our addresses to the Matthew Flinders Girls’ newsletter, we hope to summarise the activities and events held by us this year.
We would like to welcome everyone to the 2020 school year and the MFG Community.
by Grace Robson and Sarah Garlick
College Captains 2020