Primary News

Breakfast Club Now Open Monday To Friday
Breakfast club is now running each school day and all students are welcome to attend. Parents wishing to help out are welcome to go onto the roster but must have a current working with children's card and be registered with Mrs Horn and the fundraising and parent helpers group. We have some amazing parents volunteering their time so students can have breakfast every day - thank you.
Prep Clean Up Australia Day
Prep L loved participating in Clean up Australia day on Friday 6th of March . We had lots of fun helping the environment and keeping our school clean!
Danii Levy
Prep St Johns Visit
Prep L and Prep/1A had a great time learning about safety and helping others with St Johns Ambulance on the 7th of March.
We learnt how we can help people if they are hurt and who we can call to help us. We practiced calling 000, checking for danger with our eyes, ears and nose and using bandages.
Thanks St Johns!
Danii Levy
Prep Singing
The Counting song.
The Alphabet song.
Danii Levy
In our Science lessons, we planted peas and pumpkin seeds. We waited patiently for our seeds to germinate. Eventually we saw shoots appearing and we were very excited. When our seedlings got too big for our containers, we decided to plant them in the Children’s Garden at school. Now we need to water them regularly so we can harvest peas and pumpkin. We are crossing our fingers that we get enough pumpkins and peas to make pumpkin and pea soup.
Elaine Abraham
Grade 6E Science
In Science, students in Grade 6E have been learning about Earth’s place in Space. In the past week, students have worked together in teams, using foam balls, plasticine, wires and straws, to create working models to show how the Earth, Sun and Moon move in relation to each other. As the term progresses and they learn more about how the Earth, Sun and Moon move students will make adjustments to their models.
Tracey Elias
News From 3M and 4S
The 3/4 unit has been investigating rocks and soil during Science lessons this term. Every student was asked to bring in soil and rock samples from their garden at home. We then explored the differences and similarities between the samples and discussed reasons why they were all different. The rocks were all varied, so we classified the rocks and investigated how they came to be in the garden, why some rocks are smooth and some are not. Some students even have a pet rock now. Then we got the magnifying glasses out and investigated further. What we saw blew our minds! we have a few budding Geologists in our classes.
The students all attended an incursion on Wednesday 5th March. St. John’s Ambulance Officers visited our College to teach us about First Aid. All students were informed about what to do in an emergency and how to care for a patient in need. It is very important that all students know their full address in case of an emergency. During the session every student practised putting a patient in the recovery position and making sure that they were safe. Don’t be surprised if your child asks you to lie on the floor and they practise their new skill on you.
Sonia McPhie
On Wednesday 7th March students across the primary participated in a First Aid course run by St John’s Ambulance. The session the grade 6 students were part of involved revising DRSABC and gave students the opportunity to practise CPR on a mannequin.
Tracey Elias
Primary Leadership Day
On Monday 5th March the Primary School Captains, along with Mrs Elias, went on an excursion with the Dolphin Research Institute to Ricketts Point. The purpose of the excursion was to support us to become Marine Ambassadors. We learned a lot about how marine life works in Port Phillip Bay and in the waters around Victoria, and we learned a bit about what sorts of sea-creatures are in our local area.
The first activity we participated in involved discussing some of the larger creatures that can be discovered in the waters around Victoria. We learned about the Southern Minke Whale and were shown the baleen from some, along with whale teeth. We were also shown a preserved sea dragon and sting ray and some Port Jackson Shark Eggs. After that we went to look at micro-invertebrates (very small creatures with no backbone) that can be found around Ricketts Point. Our task was to find the very tiny animals that live in the sea grass beds around Rickett’s Point.
We were provided with samples of sea grass which we examined with torches and then electronic microscopes. We were lucky enough to find a water flea, a preying-mantis shrimp, a sea anemone, a worm and a bi-valve (a creature that lives in a shell with two halves that are hinged in the middle). We learned that the sea grasses are nurseries for the micro-invertebrates and other sea creatures that lay eggs there for protection from predators.
After a break and some food, we had the activity we had all been waiting for, snorkelling. We struggled into the wetsuits and gathered our snorkels and flippers and, after some instruction from the snorkelling instructors from United Camping, we were ready to get into the water. The sea-life under the water around Rickett’s Point was amazing and beautiful. We saw starfish, fish, stingrays, coral and sea urchins. It was an amazing experience and we all wished it could have gone for longer.
After lunch we went on a Rockpool Ramble. We were given a sheet that showed us pictures of the different creatures we might find, to help us identify them. Our guide showed us two crabs and explained how to tell the difference between male and female crabs. She showed us how to lift them up appropriately, and where to look on their underside to see whether they had the markings which indicated they were male. We looked in the rock pools to see if we could find the three species of crab that live in the area and we also found some other really interesting creatures.
It was a fantastic day and an amazing opportunity. We would like to thank our school and the Dolphin Research Institute for giving us the opportunity to become our school’s Marine Ambassadors for 2018.
Nurija, Sandy, Angelia and Adnan
Primary Twilight Sports
The Primary Twilight Sports night was held last week. Families enjoyed a BBQ, sports and activities on the college oval with the 'tug of war' being very popular for students and their families.
Primary Art
Grade Prep/1 A
Self Portrait
Students have been learning how to paint lines and shapes to represent themselves. They then created a background using water colour paints to paint lines. After their work dried, they put their cutting skills to the test by carefully cutting around the curved lines of their self-portrait and glued it onto their background.
Grade 4S Origami
Students have been learning about Origami – the art of paper folding. They folded, decorated and cut paper to create dogs, dragon eyes, crocodiles, paper planes and penguins. We finished our art lesson with a paper plane throwing competition. Our winner was Junior!
Recycled Materials Request
Next Term, some of our grades are constructing objects from recycled materials. If you can help out with any of the following items, please send them to school with your child to bring to their next Art class.
Small cardboard boxes, tubes, bottle tops, hardware (screws, bolts, nuts etc), beads, styrofoam or plastic trays, yogurt cups, buttons, wool, scrap material etc.
Christine McAleer
Prep L and Prep/1A
Students have been challenged to create a shelter for the toy animals, as it is going to rain. Students have used lego, paper, plates and other materials to make a shelter. Next week students will test their shelters to see if they keep the animal dry when the “rain” comes!
Grades 3M and 4S
The Three Little Bears have decided to upgrade their door lock to keep pesky blond children out of their home and have enlisted the help of Grades 3M and 4S. Students had to design, make a test a latch that could hold the door closed and then be undone to open the door.
Grades 4/5N, 5B, 5/6Z and 6E
Sir Harley Houndstooth III has been stranded on a deserted island after his ship crashed. Students have been helping him survive the horrid island. First Sir Houndstooth III needed a shelter to keep him out of the wind storm. Next he needed a bridge to reach the fruit that was surrounded by crocodiles. The most recent challenge students have been working on is a message in a bottle, so Sir Houndstooth III can send for help! Students have enjoyed designing, creating and testing their solutions to Sir Houndstooth’s problems.
Emma Braybon