Student Wellbeing

Student wellbeing
I am delighted to have commenced my role as Student Wellbeing Coordinator at Carwatha College. I am passionate about developing partnerships with families to support their child with their wellbeing needs. As the Student Wellbeing Coordinator, I can provide access to information and services to meet your child’s needs and promote their learning and wellbeing.
This may include:
- Counselling and/or case management.
- Referral to external/community agencies.
- Assistance with accessing financial services.
- Referral to Student Support Services and psychological services.
Referrals to the SWC can be made by:
- Students (self-referral).
- Parents/guardians.
- Staff.
Please contact the main office to speak to Caitlin Hallett (Student Wellbeing Coordinator) to make a referral or appointment.
Peer Support Program
This term our Year 7 and Year 10 students have been participating in the Peer Support Program. The Peer Support Program is a whole-school initiative which partners older students with a group of younger students for Peer Support Group Sessions. These sessions encourage discussion about issues the students may face and build on life skills and relationships through fun activities. Year 10 students are trained with leadership and informal mentoring skills to develop and facilitate fun games and activities to support, listen and gently guide younger students through their issues. The Year 7 students who participate in the Peer Support Group Sessions are encouraged to have fun and feel safe and supported.
Congratulations to our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders for volunteering and taking initiative:
- Michael Alexiadis
- Naduwa Baika
- Sarah Dayasella
- Angela Fourie
- Paige Hughes
- Hannah Whittaker
- Zeik Zeik
- Angela Kaponis
- Phillip Zytsel
Lunch time activities: Year 7 – Year 9
- Every Tuesday lunchtime in J Block, Year 7-Year 9 students can play board games and activities with Youth Worker, Isaac Mead from The Salvation Army.
- Every Friday lunchtime in the small gym Year 7 – Year 9 students can participate in the 180 program, play big group games and connect with each other.
Caitlin Hallett.