Secondary News

Assistant Principal Report
The first term has progressed very quickly and students should now be focussed on their learning and aiming to achieve their possible best. As the term grows to an end – parents will be able to see how the learning of their child has progressed via the Interim report that will be posted on line early next week and by attending parent teacher conferences that will be held on Tuesday the 27th of March.
Please ensure that you make appointments to meet teachers and work together to support great learning outcomes. Appointments are made via compass – if parents have lost their log in – they can contact the office and we will assist them. If you need help to make appointments, we are also happy to assist.
By now parents should be seeing a regular pattern of homework – that is reflected in the student planner –where students are recording due dates for homework and assessment pieces. Please ensure you do not accept “I have no homework” from students.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to use compass to monitor the attendance of their child but also to communicate directly to staff via email. Our staff will be emailing you via compass – and you need to access these messages via your profile page – go the envelope email icon to access your messages. Please ensure that you update your email address and phone numbers with the office. Staff have been asked to ring and email you directly to discuss to concerns, successes and any questions they may have. We encourage parents to communicate directly with staff and Year Level Coordinators to ensure that we wrap the best care around students and set high expectations for our students.
A reminder to all parents that our new Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Caitlin is available to support students and families. Caitlin has settled in well and has been working hard to get to know students and has started to work on the delivery of lots of programs.
A reminder that the new uniform is available to all students and can be purchased at the college uniform shop every Thursday morning. A reminder that the blazer is compulsory and must be worn to and from school. A new shipment of blazers is arriving early April. To ensure that you have one we ask you to come and be fitted in the general office and pay a deposit. Stock is selling very fast and you may miss out!
Students cannot wear the old and new uniform – they are not to be mixed. It is acceptable to purchase the summer or winter uniform and wear it all year. Alternatively, you can purchase both the summer and winter ensemble.
Congratulations to the students who were successful in the SRC _ Student Representative Council elections – a great effort and outcome. We are thrilled to have a senior executive and they were presented to the college at our P12 Assembly which was well attended by parents. I would like to thank Ms Bawa and Pam Naylor for their tireless work in leading the Student Representative Council and shaping terrific student leaders.
2018 SRC Year level Representatives
Year 7
Sam Norton
Mylene Vales
Jacqueline Dao
Year 8
Joshua Newton
Isabella Eghanian
Ramona Ghandour
SRC Executive
Year 9
Raphael Delisavvas- Publicity Officer
Lia Alapati- Publicity Officer
Year 10
Paige Hughes- Publicity Officer
Jame Ho- Secretary
Wiley Bonne- Treasurer
2018 SRC Executive
Dulara Weerasinghe- President
Benjamin Bright- College Council Representative
Eftalya Coskun- College Council Representative
Alema Isic- Secretary
Nicholas D’amico- Treasurer
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and trust that you all have a safe holiday.
Thank you to all the students and staff and parents for their hard work this term.
Rosanna Spina
Variety Night
Singing, dancing, comedy, magic - the list is endless!
Come along and audition your talent for the 2018 Variety Night.
Year 7 Report
Over the last few weeks, the Year 7s have settled down well into their classes and learning. The students are continuing to get to know the school, their teachers and their new friends.
We have had speeches for Form Captain elections and these will be decided early next week. I would like to congratulate and thank all of the students that put their hand up to apply for this role. It takes great leadership and bravery to volunteer to speak in front of their peer group.
The Year 7 students also went on an excursion to Enchanted garden, this was a great day and we were very lucky with great weather. The students went through the mazes, worked in teams, challenged themselves on many of the obstacles and had fun on the slides. It was a great bonding experience and gave all the students a chance to get to know each other a little bit more and to work in teams.
We are now looking forward to the Year 7 PE excursion to Lysterfield lake coming up on the 23rd March, could parents please approve this on Compass.
On Monday the 5th, we also had a parent information evening for all year 7 parents and students. It was a really nice afternoon with the students and then at 6pm, all the parents arrived. The relaxed nature of the evening allowed for casual chats between families and staff. I would like to thank all the parents for coming on the night and I appreciate their support. I think if we all work together; we can make a big difference to your child’s schooling while at Carwatha College P12.
I encourage all parents to contact me if they need any help or are concerned about any aspect of their child’s schooling.
Scott Antony
Head of Junior School/Year 7 Coordinator
Year 7 Enchanted Maze Excursion
Year 8 Report
Year 8 students participated enthusiastically at the Carwatha College P-12 Swimming Carnival. It was great to see so many of our Year 8 students participating in the varied events. A number of the Year 8’s produced great times in the events. Congratulations to all the students who put in their best efforts but also to all the Year 8 students as a whole who encouraged and cheered one another on the day.
I’d also like to congratulate the following Year 8 SCR representatives :
Joshua Newton
Isabella Eghanian
Ramona Ghandour.
We had a number of Year 8 students who made very impressive speeches to the year level. The speeches reflected honesty, desire and a want to be involved in the school community. Joshua, Isabella and Ramona were selected by their peers to take on this most important role and represent their year level. Congratulations!
Georgia Rentzis
VCAL: Year 7 and 8 Indoor Soccer Competition
On Thursday the 23rd the Year 11 and 12 VCAL class ran a soccer competition for Year 7 and 8 students. The competition was played in high spirits and all students really enjoyed the event. The winning team was made up of Kevin, Bhasker, Mustafa, John, Dagi and Harris.
Leigh Murphy
Year 10 Aqua Fun Park
As part of the amazing special interest subjects offered at Carwatha College P-12, the Year 10 Recreational Pursuits Activities class attended the Melbourne Cable Park in Bangholme and attempted the Aqua Fun Parks Ninja course. Students challenged themselves and had fun in the process.
Leigh Murphy
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