Principal's Report

From The Principal
It’s hard to believe that first term has nearly come to an end.
It has been an extremely busy term one. There have been a number of successful events since our last newsletter. These include:
- Athletics sports, involving students in years 5 to 12
- V1 Information evening
- Year 7 information evening
- Twilight sports for the Primary School
- Year 7 excursion to the Adventure Garden
- School photos
In addition to these activities there have been many excursions and sporting events. A very busy term indeed!
Thank you to all staff who have organised these events for our students.
Parent teacher night will be Tuesday the 27th of March. I encourage all parents to make appointments with their children’s teachers. Self-reflection and goal setting for improving the learning outcomes is an intrinsic part of growth. Discussions between parents, staff and students reinforce our positive relationships and partnerships within our school community. I encourage students to take steps this term break to act on the advice and recommendation’s provided by our professional teaching staff at the Parent Teacher Interviews and to read their reports closely—this will make a tremendous difference to your growth and learning.
Our first pupil free day for the year was on Friday March 9th. Staff worked on identifying and building the culture of the College, documenting all VCE curriculum and on their PDP plans. It was an extremely busy day with much achieved.
Our Open day has been set for April 19th and we will be running tours for both Primary school and Secondary school parents as well as information sessions for both areas. We will also be running information sessions about our new High Achievers program and the Football Academy. If you know of any parents in the area who have students starting either in Prep or Year 7 for 2019 please let them know the date and encourage them to attend.
Sheila Horn is currently in China as part of a 10 day international student recruitment tour, part of our agreed plan to increase our international student enrolment numbers.
Term 1 finishes on Thursday March 29th. Students will be dismissed at 2.30 pm on this day.
Term 2 will commence on Monday April 16th. I hope all students have a great break and return to school ready to do their best.
Pat Mulcahy