Peter Corkill


Dear Parents and Students

We are near the end of a really busy term. I have been impressed with the work output of our students and the terrific way they have settled into effective routines. JMSS continues to be an productive and purposeful place of learning.


School Review, April-May 2019

John Monash Science School will undertake its four-year review in April and May this year. All of our staff have been working in teams to unpack the many data sources that are available to us and put together reports on the progress made by the school towards its set goals. These have been in the following areas:

  1. Improving literacy skills across all subjects and year levels;
  2. Building and embedding a new STEM course structure in Year 10;
  3. Consolidating and improving our Team-Teaching model of instruction;
  4. Introducing and expanding Positive Education at JMSS;
  5. Widening the reach and impact of our Outreach programs, in particular the Emerging Sciences Victoria online courses, the Regional Exchange program, the Little Scientists and Little Mathematicians programs, as well as the provision of teacher professional learning for other schools.

We have held several student forums seeking feedback on our work, and these will continue in Term Two. We will also be organising a forum for parents to provide further feedback, as well as colleagues from Monash University. All of this work will pass judgement on the progress and achievements of the school since 2016, and help us put together the next Strategic Plan, taking us from 2020 to 2023. Any parents wishing to help out in a feedback forum are welcome to contact the office as soon as possible. We plan to hold such a forum in the first few weeks of term two.


Regional Exchange 2019

A huge thanks to the many families who have volunteered to host one of the Year 10 exchange students who will arrive early next term and enjoy three busy weeks at JMSS. I know the students are all looking forward to visiting Melbourne and we have a terrific time in store for them. Without your generosity we would not be able to provide this opportunity for these students.

I would like to thank new member of staff Erin Hayley for her wonderful work in setting up the exchange, and know that all our students will make them welcome at JMSS during their stay.


New School Council Formed

I would like to sincerely congratulate parents Mr. David Davies (son Joseph, Year 11) and Mr. Satheesh Pachiappan (son Sharan, Year 10) on being recently elected to the JMSS School Council. They join Mr. Ben Waterson (son Gal in Year 12) and Ms Yael Cass (son Gilad Year 12) who will continue their terms in 2019, and Dr. Simon Musgrave and Ms. Rikki Hersbergh who will complete their two-year terms in 2019 despite their children having recently graduated from JMSS.

Our two representatives from Monash University will be nominated by the Deputy Vic Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), Professor Sue Elliott, in the next week or so. They will fill the vacancies left by Emeritus Professor Robert Norris (former Dean, Science Faculty, Monash University and Dr. Cristina Varsavsky, recently retired Deputy Dean of Science, Monash University.

I would like to sincerely thank Rob and Cristina for their several years of significant contribution to JMSS on our School Council as Monash University representatives. They have helped our young school find its way in the critically important early years, and since then to navigate our way through the many channels of influence and information at the University. They have been invaluable ambassadors for the school and the partnership.

Also on that note I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Steve Blight, former parent, whose term also finished at the end of the current term of Council. Steve served on our Council for many years, his wisdom and knowledge of the building industry being invaluable in our Facilities discussions.

The four DET representatives are myself, Assistant Principals Andrew Chisholm and Sally Cheah-Johnson, and Business Manager Alison Galloway.). We have two seconded representatives, Dr. Robyn Whittle and Mr. Stephen Duggan, both former parents. Steve has again been elected as Council President and Robyn as Vice President. Our elected student representatives are Min Huynh of Year 10 and Helen Nguyen of Year 12. David Davies is the Council Treasurer.

After elections at our first meeting, Mr. Stephen Duggan will continue as President, Dr. Robyn Whittle as Vice President and Mr. Simon Musgrave as Treasurer. The newly formed Council met for the first time on Tuesday 19thMarch.

We still would like to encourage parents who are not on Council but wish to be involved in the school to join either our PFA or one of our Council subcommittees. Please contact our Business Manager Mrs Alison Galloway at school if you are interested, we would warmly welcome your help and support. 


International Students Science Fair, March 2019, National Junior College, Singapore

Last week saw the 16th edition of the annual Interna