Wellbeing and Engagement 

Welcome Back Everyone

Welcome to our 2021 school year. Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you need any support for you or your child during the transition back to school. I can be contacted by a phone call to the office, a message through Sentral or an email through the school email address. 

Sonya O'Brien

Student wellbeing and engagement teacher

Family Support

School Uniforms

Please ensure that all uniforms, drink bottles and school bags are named so that we can return any misplaced articles to the rightful owner.

At this stage we will be holding a second hand uniform sale on Wednesday 10th of February on the front steps, before school. We have a limited number of small sized uniforms available for sale. 

A gold donation will be asked for uniforms you collect.



The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sport programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions.

Payments are $125 per Primary School aged student, per year student per year. 

Please contact the office to fill in relevant documents, if you qualify for this funding. 


Support for Students

If you are struggling to meet the costs of school uniforms and shoes for your children, you may be eligible to receive these free or at a discount through State Schools’ Relief.

Families with children in government schools in any year level can receive help if they are facing one or more of the following:

  • Health issues resulting in serious financial difficulty
  • House fires where school clothing is lost
  • Natural disasters
  • Serious financial difficulty

Please telephone the office to make an appointment (confidential) with our Wellbeing teacher, Sonya,  who will discuss with you the possibility of this additional support.



We all experience anxiety at some stage in our lives. Here are some resources that families my find useful to support their child if they are experiencing anxiety about beginning or returning to school.


How was school today?

Ways to ask your children about their day at school which will give you a more than one word answer.

What as the best part of your day?

What was the funniest thing you saw today?

What do you wish you could do more of at school?

What activity at school today was your favourite?

What made you feel happy today?

If you were the teacher tomorrow, what would you do differently?

What do you think is your teachers best quality?

Which student at your school would you like to get to know better?

What was the hardest part of your day?

What would you like to be learning more about?