Welcome 2021

First Official Week for the Whole School

Wednesday marked the official start day for our Foundation students. The feedback from the classrooms was awesome and very positive. The school has been just buzzing with so many eager little kiddies exploring the school.

Specialist Timetables

Next week our Specialist will return to their permanent timetable, which will stay in place for the year.

Monday 2/3

Tuesday F/1 A Louisa, Ally, Brenna and Angelica

Wednesday F/1 B Jess, Sergio, Jackie and Sophia

Thursday 4-6 

We would suggest that on your child's Specialist day that they wear comfortable clothing and footwear for active movement as they will involved in Physical Education [P.E.] and Performing Arts - Movement & Dance. This could be shorts, skort or track pants and polo.

School Council Elections -2021

Ballot nominations are available at the office for any parent who wishes to nominate to be on school council. We have four parent position to fill and one DET position, which is filled by a staff member. 

The nominations close on Monday 15/02/2021.

The Ballot will close 4.00pm Monday 1/03/2021

Number of parent vacancy: 4

Duration of office: March 2021 - March 2023

DET vacancy: 1

Duration: 1 year March 2021 - March 2022 . This is to replace a staff member who is currently on Leave from the school.

If parents wish to follow up with Luke or myself or even a current parent member of council could provide an insight about what and how functions.

Alternately DET website has information in the parent section that covers what and how school council operates.

Ongoing Covid Update

While we have returned to school and there is a low risk to community infection we must always be vigilant and mindful of our responsibilities to wear a mask and always social distance during drop offs and pick ups.

I do need to remind parents that all Foundation and Year 1 parents must continue to drop off and pick up their child/children for the basketball court. If an older child in school or out is picking up their younger sibling, please remind them pick ups are from  to the basketball court only, not the office foyer or classroom.

While we hope to hold our annual family 'Meet and Greet' but, we are aware that this is dependent on DHHS providing approval for events to take place on DET grounds. If there are changes or our planned event we will inform the community immediately.

Newsletter Publication

Our newsletter is published weekly. We have now organised that we will be publishing pages grade levels and specialists on a fortnightly cycle. This week you will find information from our Foundation/1 teams, 2/3 team, Music and Spanish.

Please contact Sonya if you have anything you would like included in the newsletter.

Communication at Newlands

On Monday, all students will receive a username/password list. This will include usernames and passwords to all the applications and programs your child will need in 2021, as well as information that our families need. Below is an outline of the platforms and their purpose.

School Website

The purpose of the school website is to provide the wider community with the opportunity to learn about Newlands Primary School and its values. The School Website provides information for prospective families and provides access to forms, tour details and links to newsletters. Current families within the school have access to school policies as well as links to Out of School Hours Care information. 


The newsletter is used to provide information to our school community about all the learning that takes place at our great school. It provides information about upcoming events, incursions, excursions and wider community information. The newsletter is distributed to families electronically every to families that have subscribed.


This is the main hub of information for families that are attending Newlands Primary School. The school will send out reminders about upcoming events or any other information that requires immediate attention from our community. 

Parents will also use this platform to record and approve student absences, permission/payment notes for excursions, parent teacher interviews and allow for direct communication with the teacher in relation to topics outside of the learning. This is the main platform for teachers, who use this for attendance, to access wellbeing/medical information and send out relevant information. 

Families will also receive updates about their child’s learning (as we move to continuous reporting) as well as have access to their child’s school reports. It is vital that families have access and use this application. 


This online platform will provide families with access to the learning that takes place in the classroom. Teachers/Students upload work, learning and celebrations during school times which allows for more transparency of the happenings in the classroom. This platform also provides the opportunity for families to add comments to their child’s work. Newlands prioritises the importance of Parent Engagement and highly recommends that families use posted items as discussion points at home. 


Emails are regularly sent out through SENTRAL – it is displayed as ‘GPTech’ emails. These emails are only used at the beginning of the year, as we transition families over to using SENTRAL. 


On Monday the 15th of February, Graeme and Luke will run an information night to help provide families information and how to navigate through each of them. The information session will begin at 3:45. 

Parent/Teacher Meet and Greet

On Thursday March 4, the school will have its annual Meet and Greet. This provides an opportunity for teachers to share information about how each child in their home class has started their year. Teachers will also discuss data that has been collected and discuss the students’ strengths and opportunities of growth. 

The teachers will discuss what they are doing in the classroom to support your child’s growth and how you can further support at home. This is also an opportunity for families to share information and ask questions. You will be able to book in your time for these online sessions from Monday 8th of February. You will only be able to book a time through SENTRAL. 

Welcome Back Picnic

On Friday the 19th of February, our fabulous Parents and Friends Group have organised the ‘Welcome Back Picnic’. This community event is an opportunity for everyone to enjoy each other’s company. As always the PFA will have a few surprises in store including music and food available for purchase. This event is also an opportunity for families to hear about the different sub committees and groups the school has implemented at the school. The school will ensure that it has all COVID safe practices in place inline with Department recommendations. 




There are many incursions, excursions and camps coming up. Please visit your grade’s page for the most up to date information.