From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy end of year break.  On behalf of all the staff at Rosehill Secondary College we thank you for your support and commitment to the College during this extraordinary year and look forward to 2021 being a positive year. 


We wish our Year 12 students the best of luck when results are released on 30th December, and just a reminder that key personnel will be available at the College to support the Year 12 students with course preference changes should they be required. 

It was wonderful to see our Year 12 students attend their graduation ceremony last week. 


All students looked spectacular dressed in their best.  It was a proud moment and bookend for the students, teachers and parents to celebrate 13 years of schooling, especially after such a year.


The awards assembly was also a little different this year.  Earlier this week we were able to run the assembly in two parts – senior and junior school.  Unfortunately, parents were not able to attend but similar to the Year 12 graduation the event was recorded and photos were taken for each and every recipient present on the day.  A big congratulations to all students who received an award - well done! Your resilience and commitment to academic excellence is to be celebrated.


I would like to mention that the effort required to run such events this year was tremendous.  Ms Morabito and Ms Singleton put in hours of work to make the school Gym and the Year 12 VCE Centre look almost as good as the San Remo Ballroom.  The organisation and clockwork timing of the Awards assemblies was also something to behold so thank you to Gladys Mora for running the show and to Brooke Gualtieri, David Copping, Stephanie Wasif, Laura McGuire, Maree Kelly and Ges Vella for your help throughout the day.


To the families of Year 12 students and all other families who are leaving Rosehill we wish you the best of luck on your new adventure.  Keep up the hard work and success will follow.


We recently had Ben Carroll come to the school and take a tour of the new STEM centre which will be ready for use next year.  Ben has been a significant supporter of the College and education in the local area and we thank Ben for his continued contribution to providing the best possible education for our families.



I would also like to take this opportunity to Congratulate the incoming senior school leadership team.  Well done to Emily Baker and Nikala Bervanakis the new School Captains for 2021, and to Cooper Witts and Nicholas Murcott as the Vice Captains.  Thank you to Riley Callick and Stephanie Page for your work during 2020.



We have a number of staff either retiring or moving on to new positions next year so we take a moment to wish them all the very best for the next chapter in their journey.

  • Ms Benson
  • Mr Freedman
  • Mr McConnell
  • Ms Connoley
  • Ms Sikalias
  • Ms de Haan


I would also like to thank Ms Humphrey and Ms Sacco for filling in during the second semester for staff on leave.  They have done a wonderful job during their short time at Rosehill. 


A number of new staff will join us next year so we welcome, Mr Hao, Ms Burgin, Ms Kumar (back again), Ms De La Paz and a number of tutors who will join us to support our students as part of DET’s catch up policy.


Finally, the summer break is now upon us and it’s a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends and to recharge for the year ahead.  Stay safe and healthy and make sure you encourage your child to read their novels.  Read them, read them ALL! 


Warm wishes,

Arthur Soumalias