School News 

A Note From Emily

Hi Everyone, we are almost at our half way mark this term! How are you doing? I encourage you all to take a few moments and check in and ask yourself, how am I feeling at this moment? At school we often do check-ins with our students, identifying what zone they may be in today, what strategies they may need to support them through that zone and help them regulate. We as staff use the same language ourselves at school with each other, modelling the same processes to the students we teach. We all need to take moments each day to check into how we are feeling inside, then utilising the right strategies or tools to support us. What strategies or tools for support could you use? Take the time today to check in and bring your attention to how you’re feeling. I hope you are able to find some clarity in ways you can help support yourselves as we jump into the second half of this term. 

Take care, 

Emily Morgan

Pastoral Care Worker 

Art Show - save the date!

We are very excited to announce that Uraidla Primary is hosting our very own Art Show this year. The artists are your children, and the evening is an opportunity for the adults to get together to share drinks and nibbles, browse the artwork on display, participate in silent and live auctions and hopefully find some treasures to take home. There will be more information to follow, but make sure you mark the date in the calendar now. 😊

Calling all artists and local businesses 

Can you help us? The Uraidla PS Parents and Friends are looking for local artists, makers, creatives, producers and businesses, and we are seeking donations to help us raise funds, and to make the Art Show an event to remember! 


Your donation could help in the following ways:

  • If you are an artist, you could donate a piece of work to be auctioned off. 
  • If you are a maker or other creative, you could donate your product to be auctioned off. 
  • If you are a winery or other food & beverage producer, you could donate produce that is either sold as drinks on the night, or food included in the ticket price, or a voucher or experience at your venue.
  • If you are a local tourism or hospitality business, you could offer a meal, tour or other experience at your business or venue that will be auctioned off.
  • If you are a local business not involved in the above-mentioned industries, you might like to donate directly to the fundraising activity or find another way of supporting the school with in-kind support throughout the year. 

We will be hosting a sale of student artwork, an auction of donated artwork and a silent auction of other donations on the night. We will not be able to accommodate sales on behalf of artists or producers.


If you are able to donate an artwork or other item, or help in other ways, please contact P and F at

Notes going home on SeeSaw 

You may have noticed that we have been using SeeSaw more regularly for communication between home and school. We have decided to send most information that does not require a signature by SeeSaw in preference to a paper note in the school bag. We hope that this will reduce waste and reduce the chance of those notes getting lost in the bottom of the bag! 

Newsletter by email 

Did you know that in addition to receiving the newsletter by SeeSaw, you can also receive it by email? It is sometimes easier to read the newsletter and see the photos on a computer, since it shows a more spread-out layout.  All you have to do to receive the newsletter by email is send me a SeeSaw message to let me know or email

Lost Property 

Recognise this???

There is a larger than usual selection of lost property at the moment. All named items have been returned to their owner. Can you please come and collect any items you may have misplaced, it is located next to the JP entry, just inside the hallway on the left. 

Before assembly next week we will put it outside the gym for you to look at also. After this time, it will be donated to the P&F to sell at their next uniform sale.

School Disco

It's on again!!


Uraidla Primary School disco will be held on Thursday, 15 June from 6-7:30pm.


Run by the Parents and Friends this is a great event for kids to dance and have some fun with their school mates.

Tickets can be purchased from school reception for just $5 each.


Parents can drop their children at the OSHC entrance at 6pm and collect them again at 7:30. For any children who find it a little much during the event a quiet space is being provided.


All children are supervised by teachers and parent volunteers.


Children should bring a drink bottle. A small bag of chips is provided as a snack (gluten free) for each child.

Some requests before and after school

  1.  We'd like to ask you to remind your children that the bases and sandpit on the oval are out of bounds after school. Playing football at the goals near the gate is ok, as long as students consider the safety of nearby pedestrians. 
  2. We ask traffic on Kidney Street to be one-way only at drop-off and pick-up times, entering from Swamp Road and up the hill to exit onto Days Road. 
  3. Please be aware of the 25 km/hr speed limit during school hours and when children are present. 
  4. Please be extra vigilant when backing up or turning around on Kidney Street, since there are often small children crossing and entering the school gates, and they can be difficult for drivers to see. 
  5. Please consider where you park when picking up children on the town oval side of the school. This week all of the spaces between the trees were full which meant that some cars could not get out. Please make sure that there is still a clear pick-up and drop-off lane for those not parking. Thank you!

Help please!

Can you spare 30 mins after assembly to help serve drinks? 

The P&F love bringing the Uraidla Primary community together but need a little extra help.

 We are looking for volunteers after assembly each fortnight, to help make hot drinks, take money and wash cups at the Willow Cafe.


All the tasks are really simple or just require some simple training to use the coffee machine.


If you can help just once or regularly, please email Amanda Preskett ( with the date/s you can do (assembly dates listed below).

Or just drop into the gym kitchen after the next assembly and let us know.


Thanks so much! Parents and Friends 


Term 2 dates (Every second Friday odd school weeks after assembly)





CHECK: Covid measures 

Here are the current recommendations from the Department for Education:  

COVID safe measures

  • All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly. If students become unwell at school, we are unable to care for them here and we will be contacting you to collect them asap. Please have a plan in place for someone who can collect your child within a half hour. 
  • We still need to record all cases of COVID; please let us know asap if your child tests positive by either RAT or PCR test. 
  • We will be maximising ventilation by leaving doors/windows open, using air conditioning and fans, and keeping doors and windows open. 
  • Adults will practise physical distancing where possible. 
  • We will continue to practise and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser will be provided for regular use, and disposable masks.
  • Students who have tested positive to Covid must stay home for 5 days from the date of the test. They can then return to school as long as they are free of symptoms. We ask siblings of students who have tested positive to wear a mask at school if they are able, to reduce the chance of infection. 

Face masks

  • Adults and children in Years 3-6 can choose to wear masks inside, to minimise the risk of infection; we are now leaving this up to individual discretion. 
  • If there is a known case in the family of a child in any class, we are encouraging the adults and children in that class to all wear masks during the infectious period. 

Pick up and drop off

  • In the morning please continue to drop children off at one of the entrances to the school grounds, and allow them to make their own way to their classrooms. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make contact through the SeeSaw app. 
  • We are now welcoming families to come into the yard at the end of the day. Please come into the school grounds to wait rather than waiting in the roadway, for child safety. Thank you!