Class News 

Year 2 - STEM

Over the last few weeks, children in Year 2 have been working in groups to create the strongest bridge, using paddle pops sticks and tape.


Children discussed, planned and collaborated to design and build the best bridge. 





Many ideas and changes were made to their designs. The designs were tested and re tested.  

The children worked together to developed their own bridge.


It was a great way to develop resilience, perseverance, creative thinking and problem solving skills. 


Well done Year 2.

Year 2 - PMP

Every Thursday, the Junior classes are fortunate enough to work with Ashley, our amazing school occupational therapist. 


Ashley sets up four different activities each week for PMP. The four stations challenge the children and develop their balance, coordination, core or muscle strength.


The children enjoy working at each station during our twice weekly PMP time.  Children work in their colour house teams and encourage each other as they complete each activity.


Thank you Ashley for working so hard with us each week.   You’re the best!

Cathy Busch

Year 2 Teacher