Mathematics & STEM
What we love about Maths
This term students have been engaged in various Maths topics and have loved playing games, solving problems and challenging their Mathematical thinking.
Elliot - I like ‘Elevens’ because I keep getting people out.
Harper - I like drawing my answers in Maths.
Year 1
Raffy - I like playing ‘elevens’ because you get to get people out.
Daniel - I like ‘Elevens’ because it is fun and I am really confident.
Year 2
Ethan - I really like times and adding and subtracting.
Emily - I like working out the hundreds, tens and ones in numbers.
Year 3
Zac - I really like playing ‘Make a Flat’ because you get to use calculators.
Alba - We have been doing lots of adding, subtracting and skip counting.
Year 4
Tia - I really like the Buzz warm up game because we didn’t just learn how to play from zero but we learnt to start at other numbers.
Beau - I really like the game ‘Win A Flat’ because we get to work with your group.
Mila - I like Maths because Miss Taylor always makes the Maths games fun.
Year 5
Ollie - I like ‘Digits’ because it challenges my brain and I love numbers.
Valentina - Area has been challenging to figure out the total area but it has also been enjoyable once you get the hang of it.
Delilah - It’s been tricky to remember how to times the length by the width but it is easier once you know the trick.
Year 6
Lyla - I like learning about area and perimeter and adding together each side of a shape to find the total perimeter.
Jack - I really like playing the game ‘Digits’ before every Maths lesson.
Today the STEM leaders held a Kahoot quiz at lunchtime. The students loved answering questions about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and competing against other teams. Congratulations to the all of the students who participated and to the winning group!
Jess Conway and Bridie Slater
Mathematics Leaders