Community Notices

De La Salle - Book your Tour Today
Bookings can be made via our website, or by scanning the QR code.
ASC Three Day School Holiday Camps
Improve your sporting skills with friends this Winter! Use the code ASC30 after June 4th to save! $231 for 3 days.
St Mary's College - Book a school tour today
Educating girls and boys together for 32+ years. We are the leading inner-city co-ed Catholic Secondary College on two spacious, convenient campuses. Book a school tour today to find out more.
Hiring Now - Crossing Supervisors
Auskick Join the Fun!
Sundays from 9am to 10.30am at Orrong Romanis Reserve or Mondays 4.30pm to 5.30pm at Como Park. Contact Sam Howell at or 0499 303 290.
Elite Cleaning Services
Residential, end of lease, spring clean, pantry, wardrobe..... Visit for more information.
Information evening for prospective families. Thursday 4th May. Tours between 5pm and 6.30pm. Registrations essential.
Geoffrey Wexler Orthodontist
Complimentary orthodontic consultation for TPS students. Book your first consultation by scanning the QR code or email for more information.