Out and About the School
Mother's Day
SCHOOL FEES- are due on Wednesday 31st May
It is expected that all children will adhere to the regulation uniform. Uniforms give the child a sense of belonging to the school community, a feeling of pride in themselves and their school, and assists greatly in setting the tone and discipline of the school. It also identifies our school in the wider community. The wearing of the school uniform will be enforced in the school. Parents’ assistance in this matter is most important.
Students are now expected to be in their full winter uniform. This includes the school tie.
SCHOOL HATS- We have noticed an increasing number of students coming to school without their school hat. Please help remind your child to pack their hat each day.
Some student's hats are looking very tired and faded with frayed edges. Please have a look at your child's hat and if it needs replacing you can purchase via the uniform shop or in the office.
The uniform shop is open Wednesdays and Thursdays 1.00pm - 4.00pm during school terms. You can also order on QKR. QKR orders are distributed to students on Thursdays and Fridays.
Hair: Should be neat and tidy at all times and if long it must be tied back using maroon, blue or white hair ties.
Current cuts that show fading, mohawks, long fringes and mullet type hair cuts may be popular but need to be saved for the holidays. We need parents to support the policy of the school in this particular case please.
Please keep in mind that we do not encourage toys at school. If your child is bringing something to show the class that is okay. No child needs to be carrying a toy around at school unless there is an arrangement with the child’s teachers.
Please be aware of the following Pupil Free Day where all staff will be involved in Professional Development:
- Monday 17th July (first day of Term 3)
eSafety Commissioner Resources
- eSafety Commissioner Term 2 webinars for parents and carers include the following topics…please see attached for the flyer:
- Getting started with social media: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram (3 May, 22 May and 8 June)
- Online relationships and consent: sending nudes and sexting (25 May and 14 June)
- eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you (24 May)
- Setting your child up for success online (31 May)
A video and information sheet about cyberbullying and online drama are now available on the eSafety Commissioner resource page for parents and carers also here Parent resources | eSafety Commissioner
ICAS Assessments Yr 3- Yr 6
We are delighted to inform you that St Xavier’s will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competition this year for students in Year 3 - Year 6.
What is ICAS?
ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies.
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.
We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year.
Learn more about ICAS here. (https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas)
How to participate in ICAS
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
- read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (icasassessments.com/products-icas)
- read the terms and conditions here: (icasassessments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2023-ICAS-Assessments-Parents-PPS-TsCs_final.pdf)
- go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here: (shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps)
- enter our school’s access code – IGK829
- enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment. Online purchases close on Sunday 30 July.