Principals Message

Dear parents and carers,


We are looking forward to seeing as many mothers, aunts, grandmothers and friends at our morning tea at 10.30am on Friday. You are all so worthy of celebration and we are proud to walk beside you in nurturing and helping your children be the best version of themselves. 


Throughout Scripture, mothers appear. God’s love and advocacy for women shines through the Bible, as women are given dignity, respect, attention, and responsibility in stark contrast with the cultural norms at the time.

Motherhood is spoken of throughout Scripture as a high and important calling. The Bible says Mothers are calm, wise, and kind. It is their job to pass down these qualities to their children and everyone around them and we are to praise them for doing so.

BIG CALL right?  Being a mother or caring for a child in a mothering role is hard work but when the love is unconditional the joy is sweet. We hope you enjoy Mother’s Day no matter what it is you might be doing. 


Kind regards,




Current cuts that show fading, mohawks, long fringes 

and mullet type hair cuts may be popular but need to

be saved for the holidays. We need parents to support 

the policy of the school in this particular case please.