Focus on Reading

Pakenham Secondary College recognises the importance of good reading skills as critical to development of understanding and academic success across all subjects.
Reading is an essential skill for understanding in every part of the curriculum: from mathematical problems, to lab reports; health advice brochures to building instructions; recipes to research, as just a few examples of the need for strong comprehension abilities.
As a part of our schoolwide focus on developing literacy skills, an increased focus on engaging students with reading and explicit teaching of reading strategies and techniques, all essential for Senior School studies. Teachers in all classes are explicitly teaching the specific reading skills required for their subject and the specialised genres and text types that they deal with.
Activities to engage students with reading, such as the current Premier’s Reading Challenge, being conducted by our wonderful library staff, Book Week activities and other events, are designed to celebrate the pleasure of reading.
Stephen White
Learning Specialist - Literacy
Premier's Reading Challenge
Thanks to all of the students who are powering through with their reading challenge. Please don't forget to log your books on the official website. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to visit our library staff for help.
Happy Reading!