Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Hi everyone,
Welcome to another edition of our fabulous newsletter!
Firstly, I would like to welcome our new staff - Lily Pan, Alysha Kennedy and Julie Bosevska. Lily has joined us in FMR and Julie will join us on Monday 22nd in 1MC. Alysha Kennedy is currently covering a range of classes this term but will commence in 5TR at the beginning of Term 3. We are very excited to have them join our team here at OGPS. Melissa Crozier is coming out of 1MR to cover the well-being and PSD roles in a full-time capacity.
There have once again been school events worth mentioning and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff involved for their work in making these such fun and exciting experiences for our students.
Our Year 4 camp to ADANAC last week was 'super fun'. Despite the first day being a bit rainy all activities were enjoyed, including hut building, archery, and canoeing. Thank you to our Year 4 teachers, Miss Ward, Ms. Francis, and Mrs. Horvat, who were ably supported by Mrs. Timms and our parent volunteers.
Our Foundation Mother's Day breakfast saw our Foundation students at school at 8 am, which was super exciting! Thank you to Miss Seymour, Miss Vawser, Mrs. Padman, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Hill, and Ms. Coady for their work in making this a fantastic early morning at school.
A big thank you to all staff for Open Night - for staying late and setting up their classrooms full of activities that highlight the engaging and interactive way we teach here at OGPS. An additional special mention goes to Miss Roberts for her organisational oversight of our Education Week programming.
Thank you to our library teachers, Mrs. Todkill and Mrs. Syme, for our Book Fair. This is fabulously supported by our teachers helping out and also our parent community for their attendance.
I would also like to thank our PTFA and parent volunteers for running our Mother/Special Person's stall in the lead-up to Mother's Day. The students enjoy being able to purchase something on their own to take home, so we are very appreciative of the help we receive in this space.
Before I sign off, can I please remind everyone of the need to be patient and understanding whilst using the car park off Holland Road. The safety of our students must be paramount and to ensure this we need everybody to work together. We do not have any kiss-and-go parking, which means all cars need to be parked before students enter or exit cars. It is not appropriate to do so on the road, nor is it appropriate to block traffic from moving around the car park whilst you wait for your child at the end of the school day. If there is no parking available then there is roadside parking up off Holland Road.
I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Michelle Ogilvie