Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 26.6.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Prep A Cla


Miss Belanti

For completing half a year of learning at school! You are all AMAZING! 
Prep B Class


Miss Santilla

For always putting effort into your learning  and remembering all our routines! You are all BRILLIANT! 
Julian A


Miss Accaputo

For writing a beautiful prayer of gratitude for all the things he loves in nature. Wonderful work Julian! 
Summer S


Mrs John

For persisting while writing her narrative and drawing detailed illustrations that enabled  her to write the resolution of her story. Well done Summer!
Spencer E


Miss Mihocic

For participating in classroom discussions and showing enthusiasm in his learning. He is always giving everything a go! Keep it up! 
Whole Class


Mrs Tasevski

For their outstanding digital technology skills.  These innovative Year 2s used the Picsart App (Artificial Intelligence App) and Canva to create their own Space Species,  Incredible!
Ava V


Miss Dicello

For being a positive learner, who always participates in class discussions and strives to do her best learning. Well Done Ava! 
Elenoa P


Miss Ravanello

For striving for accuracy in your learning and taking on board constructive feedback. I love the way you take your time to enhance your work. Keep it up Elenoa!
Whole Class


Miss Macri

For striving for accuracy with their final writing pieces for Term 2. All students took feedback on to uplevel and better their writing to publish such great Narratives. You should all be so proud.    
Georgie G


Mrs Peel

For responding with Wonderment and Awe through the whole writing process of  her narrative ‘ The Day the Perfect Planets quit.  Love your creativity, well Done Georgi!
Lukas K


Mrs Carey

For embracing the Habit of Mind 'Persisting' when applying feedback on the FLI Planet Project. Well done Lukas!
Jean-Pierre H.


Mrs McNamara

For embracing your learning during Faith Life Inquiry this week. You participated with enthusiasm and a positive attitude to your planet project. Great effort!
Ben K


Miss Kelly

Striving for Accuracy and showing incredible enthusiasm in your research project on Neptune. Excellent work, it was a joy to listen to your presentation!
Yianni M


Miss Lee

For using the Habits of Mind: Communicating with Clarity in our whole class discussion. Great work at sharing your wonderings and questions! 

Jacinta O (1A)

Eden K (5b)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For always showing a persistent and positive attitude in PE.

For always encouraging others and performing to the best of her ability at every PE lesson! Well done! 

Aiden V (4A)


Mr Steve

For showing courage and tenacity, and producing a wonderful ukulele performance. Well done!
Alexavier D (5B)


Mrs Zaffina

For being an active participant in all Italian classes and always trying his very best! Keep up the amazing work! Bravo Alexavier!
Joseph H (3B)


Mrs Symeoy

For working hard in our STEM sessions and for being a kind and considerate classmate by sharing his materials with others and always wanting to help in any way he can!


Noami S (2A)


Mrs Garro

Outstanding focus to complete her fish modelling artwork. Well done Noami. 

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 14.7.23 Student of the week is awarded to..



Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

14.7.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Isaiah L


Miss Belanti

For being a mathematical wizz and sharing his skills! Well done Isaiah!
Elroy G


Miss Santilla

For a great start to the term! You are  striving to do your best to achieve your reading goals. Well done Elroy!
Sophie A


Miss Accaputo

For persisting throughout your learning. You always remain focused and try your best to reach your goal. Amazing effort!
Alexia M


Mrs John

For showing confidence and persistence while engaging in your learning this week. Well Done, Alexia!
Felicia W


Miss Mihocic

For her increased and consistent focus and dedication to her work! Great job participating in class discussions! Keep it up Felicia. 
Antonella V


Mrs Tasevski

For a great start to the term.  You are working so hard to complete learning that you are proud of.  It is also a pleasure to see the way you have matured and are being a great friend to others.  Keep it up Antonella. 
Chloe B


Miss Dicello

For being an enthusiastic and hardworking member of 3A. You continue to persist through learning challenges and always seek feedback on how to uplevel your work. Well Done Chloe!
Sebastian A 


Miss Ravanello

For developing a positive mindset towards your learning and taking on board feedback to take your time on tasks to help achieve your best. Love you work Sebastian, keep it up! 
Rylan I


Miss Macri

For settling in so well to Year 4 and becoming a valuable member of our class. Welcome Rylan! 
Noah S


Mrs Peel

For being a constant role model in 4B! You show all the qualities of a fantastic learner- your mindset, perseverance and helpful nature never go unnoticed! Well Done Noah!
Makayla M.


Mrs Carey

For participating in classroom discussions and showing enthusiasm toward your learning. Thank you for being a great role model this week in 5A!
Victoria F.


Mrs McNamara

For throwing yourself into the learning pit to improve your writing by setting goals to include a wide range of connectives! Well Done!
Jeffery M


Miss Kelly

For leading our discussion with Accountable Talk and enriching questions with talking about our history. Excellent work!!
Aaron K


Miss Lee

For using the Habits of Mind ‘Thinking about your Thinking’ by adding great wonderings and questions to our FLI discussion Jamboard. Well done!

Romeo (1A)

Yvie Lee (2B)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For striving to do his very best in PE and being a great role model. 

For always having a positive disposition and trying her best at all times! Well done!

Julyan B (2A)


Mr Steve

For showing passion and energy through your music playing. Well done!
Christian D (PB)


Mrs Zaffina

For being an active participant in Italian class and making great predictions about our “Zucchero Filato” (Fairy Floss) story. Bravissimo Christian!
Declan P (1A)


Mrs Symeoy

For sharing his creativity with the class by drawing a great cartoon version of himself and taking a great photo with it to post to our Seesaw activity! 
Eden KD (5B)


Mrs Garro

Outstanding digital drawing skills to create her dragon eye. Congratulations Eden.