From the Head of the Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman 

Careers Expo and Subject Selection Q & A Evening

A reminder to families that the school is running the Annual Career Expo and Subject Selection Q&A Evening for Years 8, 10, 11 and 12 on Thursday 22 June.

  • Attendance is compulsory for Years 10, 11 and 12 students, including boarders.
  • Attendance is optional for Year 8, however strongly encouraged for subject selection advice.
  • Parents of all year groups are warmly invited to attend.

Boarding families are reminded that the Term 2 travel day is Friday 23 June. The school kindly requests families of Years 10, 11 and 12 boarders not to request leave after school on Thursday 22 June.


The Expo and Subject Selection Q&A runs from 5:30pm – 8:00pm.


The Careers Expo will have representatives from major universities, university colleges, TAFE, Marcus Oldham College, Letslive (GAP Provider), Army reserves, IGLU (student accommodation), and Police in the Library.


There will be approximately 60 industry representatives from a wide range of career and job options in the Derek Pigot Auditorium. 


Subject Faculty representatives will be available for Subject Selection Q&A in the Derek Pigot Auditorium.


It’s a great opportunity for our students to begin their career pathways exploration or to sharpen what they are already thinking. 


Vaping: Unmasking the dangers “Killers in the Mist”

Recently Channel 7 aired a documentary film “Killers in the Mist” exposing the serious dangers associated with vaping and the impact that this is having on our youth. The film also explores the lack of concern and action of manufacturers to address the growing crisis of young people becoming addicted to nicotine and other harmful toxins.


Investigating journalist Ross Coulthart: “Nothing has appalled me more than the ethics and tactics of big tobacco. I remember their claims from 30 or 40 years ago that cigarettes weren’t really all that bad. At the end of the day, adults can make their own minds up. But recently, this evil empire has turned its mind to recruiting customers from classrooms. The situation is bad.”


Vaping remains a concern in all schools. E-cigarettes (vapes) remain easy for young people to acquire. The dangers and associated health risks are real, and our young people are at risk. As a school and a community committed to caring for young people, we must keep the conversation going and education is key to making good decisions. I encourage parents and caregivers to continue to engage in this important discussion with our children.

Cadets Unit Farewell Parade


KWS Staff, Parents and Families are warmly invited to attend.

RSVP is not required. 

Please note that the Parade will be cancelled if weather is inclement, with an awards ceremony in the Derek Pigot Auditorium in its place.

Students on site after hours

A reminder to students and families that students are not permitted to remain on-campus after 3:25pm unless participating in a school-based activity. Students who are required to wait for transport must remain at the bus-bay or the pick-up zones at the DPA or Allenby Road gate. Other areas of the school including classrooms, House areas and recreational facilities are out of bounds areas after the conclusion of the school day.