Senior School News

Important Information

  • Uniform: There seems to be a trend of black replacing blue at the moment. Please ensure that students are wearing the correct uniform. Thank you for the response to hair being tied up!
  • Sports tops: Can all students please return their Sports Tops ASAP! 
  • Celebration Morning is next Monday 20th June at 9:15am - we can’t wait to share our hard work with you all. 
  • Last Day of Term: Next Friday, 23rd June is the last day of Term 2. Please remember that we finish at 2:30pm. 

Learning in Action

What’s coming in Term 3? 

More information will come your way early next term, but here is a ‘snapshot’ of what we will be learning in the Senior School in Term 3: 

Literacy: Poetry, Persuasive Texts, Open Cycle. 

Maths: Fractions, Decimals, Angles, Mapping, Shape

Inquiry:Australian History


RRRR - Topic 8 - Positive Gender Relationships. (A link to the unit guide for our lessons can be found here.)

Friendology - We will look at the following 4 topics in our Friendology Units: Mean-On-Purpose, Tricky Situations, Friendship Groups, Kind & Strong


Term 2 Reflection: 

With the end of term coming up, we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate all that we have achieved in the Senior School this term. Let’s take a look at some work samples from across the Grade 5 & 6 classes.



5B -Writing: In 5B we are learning about paraphrasing in writing. We have chosen an expert topic to write an informative text about.  The first thing we had to do was to get all our information into a paragraph document. Then we had to identify the key words out of the paragraph. After that we had to paraphrase in our own words. This means we had to use the keywords that we got and then turn the piece of information into our own words. In the end we ended up with two fully done information reports.