Middle School News

Important Reminders

Please keep an eye out for notices outlining the exciting learning opportunities planned for your children. All children are encouraged to attend incursions and excursions, and it is important that permission and payment be made by the due date. 


Learning in Action


Over the last fortnight, the Year 3s have been using their reading sessions to explore Persuasive texts. After enjoying reading the book “I Wanna New Room”, students have observed the use of exaggeration and become familiar with hyperboles. They have been introduced to the role of modal verbs and transitional vocabulary in persuasive texts. The Year 4s also working on Persuasive texts have practised extending their vocabulary through effective word choice. They have explored the role of cause and effect, emotive language, and exaggeration. 


Preview: Next term we'll be starting with our unit on poetry and students will be introduced to various forms including free verse, haiku, and diamante. They will also be creating their own anthology with a collection of their own  poetry.



Students in Grade 3 have been solving subtraction problems using the split and vertical strategies with 4 and 5-digit numbers, whereas the Grade 4s concentrated on vertical methods only. All students then explored the link between subtraction and addition using equivalent equations.




Grade 4 students have developed their skills in conducting the vertical strategy for addition and subtraction. They have been conscious to align all of the place values so that it is not confusing if regrouping needs to occur. 



All students will commence Term 3 by focussing on multiplication skills and strategies. For the Grade 3s, they will have 2,3,5, and 10 tables. This will involve skip counting, making arrays, and linking these to the times tables. The Grade 4s will work on multiplication facts for 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9. 



LPS Maths Masters is well and truly underway in our classrooms! Your child will have a Maths Masters goal that they are working towards in the classroom as they strive to achieve their next coloured belt. 

You can support your child to achieve their Maths Masters goal by encouraging them to practise their goal at home too. It would be greatly beneficial for your child to practise their goal approximately 2 times a week for 5-10 minutes each time. Goals can be practised using materials (counters, dice, cards etc) or online. All information, resources and links your child might require can be found in the Maths Masters Belts folder. Click on the coloured belt your child is working on, and find their individual goal to practise. 

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.



This fortnight in Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships, students have explored gender norms in literature. This required them to identify and compare the roles commonly given, including the character traits, behaviour and dress code of the main characters. We compared traditional to modern fairytales and then discussed how these perceived expectations might limit our choices.


In Friendology they also explored The 4 Friendship Facts, which help them to understand more about how friendships grow and change over time.





All of the Year 3s have been very busy over the last 2 weeks selecting a photo of their landmark and being very focused on sketching the landmark. They then worked hard to add colour paying attention to the combination and mixing of colours within the scene. The eastern corridors of LPS will become a gallery of Australian Landscapes celebrating the uniqueness of our wonderful country. Each landscape will have a written piece persuading all to visit their chosen landmark. 

After learning about South America and Africa,  the Year 4s have been comparing the similarities and differences between the two continents. 




Term 3 will see the Year 3s going back in time to explore the Dream Time, the agriculture, technology, language and spirituality of our First Nations People. The Year 4s will focus on the age of exploration and the effects of European settlement during the mid-18th and into the 19th century. 



Year 3 Excursion Melbourne Museum- First Peoples Exhibition and Great Barrier Reef 3D



Melbourne Museum by Sansia


Hi, I'm Sansia from 3W, and today I will be sharing some information about our excursion to the Melbourne Museum.


We saw the first people's exhibit. In the exhibit, we saw lots of indigenous things that the Aboriginal people used. We saw cloaks, spears, jewellery, plastic tubs, toys and even a really big canoe.


We went to an indigenous garden to explore the different plants and how they healed the Aboriginal people when they were sick. We went inside caves to see rock art. There was also a little pond that had eels in it.


I had a lot of fun at the Melbourne Museum and hope I can go again.



The Imax   

Last Tuesday, the grade 3s went to the Melbourne Museum to see the IMax.We got these cool glasses that made the movie look 3D. It was like you could reach out and touch it.


The story was about a girl who grew up on an island in the Great Barrier Reef called Green Island. Every day she went out into the reef and explored. One time she found a floating turtle. She took the turtle to Fitzroy Island and gave it to the vets. The turtle had a blockage in its stomach because it mistook a plastic bag for a jellyfish. The turtle would have died as it was not able to dive down to get food. 


I learnt a lot about the Great Barrier Reef and all the living plants and animals that live there.




World Ocean Day  



Hi, we are  Ami and Aekam from 3W and our class raised 25 dollars for World Ocean Day. Most of our class were wearing blue clothes. The kids were very creative with their marine animal costumes.


It is an important day because the ocean needs money to get all the litter and rubbish out of the ocean. It is important to think about the Ocean because it needs people to help it. The ocean gives us food and water as well as a home for marine animals and plants.   



On Thursday the 8th of June Lysterfield had a fundraiser to raise money for World Ocean Day to spread awareness to all the marine animals in the ocean. 


Everybody dressed up as an animal from the ocean and all looked amazing, they also brought a gold coin donation to put towards world ocean day. We collected all the money and ended up raising $498.30, Well done to everyone you all looked amazing.

  • Ayla, Aisha, Sharn and Aleeyah



Student Awards


3E - Sonny R & Cody S            3S- Austin H & Nathan M            3W- Ava S. & Archer H.


4FZ - Jack T                                4H-  Lee S                                          4J -Macey B