Whole School News



Annual High School Eurythmy Gathering

We had another successful gathering with Sophia Mundi Steiner School on the 8th of June, which was shared by Y7-12 students. It has been an exciting experience for both high school students, as they showcased each other's works at our theatre. This year was especially great because Sophia Mundi's Y11 & 12 students were able to come and show their amazing work. Our audience, consisting of students from Y4 and above, thoroughly enjoyed the performances, and they are eagerly looking forward to showcasing their own works at our End of the Year Eurythmy Concert.

The following week, our Y9s and Eurythmy Club shared their works with the lower Primary School children, and it was warmly welcomed by the younger audience. In return, the Y3 children eagerly shared their own work as a gesture of thankfulness.

Eurythmy Winter Spiral

We began our Winter Spiral on the day of Winter Solstice this year. Our students eagerly anticipate the Winter Spiral and approach it with reverence. Since last year, we have been harvesting foliage from the grounds of Collingwood College. Despite our school's location in the city, we were fortunate to have an abundance of greens, thanks to the care provided by the Andrews in tending the grounds.


For Eurythmy,

Rie and Vera



Chinese Dragon Boat Festival

Welcome to the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. 

This week, Year 3-6s learnt traditional Chinese culture, customs and food about the Chinese Dragon boat Festival. Everyone engaged in designing posters and making crafting. We take kids on an inspiring culinary journey beneath the surface of Chinese food history and Art tradition.



Beth (Xiaobo) Huang

LOTE Teacher (3-6) 



Team Kids (After school care) Recruitment and Subsidies




TeamKids is hiring Casual and Permanent Educators! So, whether you’re a teacher wanting to earn extra income during school holidays, a casual relief teacher looking for additional work, or a parent who is interested in some casual work, we want to hear from you! If you value flexibility and want to be part of an organisation dedicated to enriching children’s lives, then apply NOW!

Scan the QR code on the poster or visit this link directly to apply:https://www.teamkids.com.au/careers/.






There are some exciting changes taking place to Child Care Subsidy! From 10th of July 2023, most families will get more subsidy, and families previously not eligible for CCS will now get it! Soon you could be saving more money on your Before, After & School Holiday Care! CCS can cover up to 90% of your childcare cost, depending on your combined annual income, covering up to $530,000.


Getting accessed is easy, just follow a few steps and you’ll be making great savings! This means that families will be getting cheaper care, and even more families will have access to TeamKids. Now even more children will enjoy our epic clubs, events, fun zones, yummy food, friendly Educators and more!


 A helpful video explaining the changes: https://www.education.gov.au/early-childhood/child-care-subsidy#toc-changes-to-child-care-subsidy


Child Care Subsidy Calculator: https://www.startingblocks.gov.au/child-care-subsidy-calculator



Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need anything else.


Kind regards

Seav Lov 

Digital Marketing Coordinator

1300 035 000teamkids.com.au



World Oceans Day

On Thursday, June 8th Collingwood College celebrated World Oceans Day by having a rubbish collection competition in the schoolyard. Students were given the opportunity to earn points for their house as well as the chance to win one of two canteen vouchers. We had a fantastic turn-out, particularly from the primary school, managing to direct an astounding amount of trash into our waste streams and prevent it entering our waterways. Students in both Bluegum Blue and Wattle Yellow houses were especially good at collecting rubbish. 


A big congratulations to LJ in 6A and Blazey in 7Dwho were our top two individual waste collectors. Thank-you to our Yr 10 students: Henri, Bonnie and Max who assisted in counting rubbish. We look forward to our next rubbish competition and more student involvement with sustainability.

Tom O'Connell

Teacher & Camps Coordinator




Centre for Projection Art


Learning partnership grant for the Arts involving Year 5/6 and 7/8 students

Lunchtime Club for all students / Open Studio

On a Wednesday lunch time, photographer James Henry and Rali Beynon animation artists have created some fun activities for all students at our school as part of a lunch time club. This has included flip bookmaking, the use of professional cameras to take photos. There has also been a bit of dancing along the way as well.  We also had an open day where parents and students could come along and see the studio. 


Animation with Rali
Lunchtime Pics
Animation with Rali
Lunchtime Pics


Open Studio with James & Rali
Open Studio with James & Rali

These events have been very successful.





Angela Dionysopoulos

Primary Art/Performing Arts program






INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:  fengchih.09@gmail.com






Collingwood College is online! Feel free to follow us on: 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/collingwood.college/ and like us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/collingwood.vic.edu.au/ to keep up to date with everything that our school has to offer our students and the community.