Primary School News

Primary School


Dear Collingwood College Community,


What a wonderful Term we have had.


Winter Solstice

First and foremost, a big thank you goes out to everyone who attended our recent gathering for the winter solstice. It was an absolute delight to have our community come together, not only to celebrate but also to reconnect with one another. The atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and a true sense of togetherness. The rooms were beautifully adorned, creating an enchanting ambience, and the delicious food truly satisfied our taste buds. It was a day and night to remember!

We have had so many wonderful events and celebrations.


Kinder visits:

Our local kindergartens have begun visiting us and this will continue into Term 3. This initiative aims to foster a sense of community and provide an opportunity for our young learners to explore our college campus and for us to engage them in various activities, and showcase the wonderful learning environment that awaits them in the future. We look forward to creating lasting connections and inspiring our future students during this special visit.


Creative Victoria Projection Festival Grant:

Our grade 5 and 6 students have been working with Photographer James Henry and Animation Artist Rali Beynon throughout Term 2, with support from The Centre of Projection Art. The animation and photographs from this project will

be part of the Gertrude St festival from July 26th.  Special thanks to Angela D for leading this project.  (see photos and more information on the 'Whole School News Page' about this).


Whether you're embarking on a holiday, enjoying quiet moments at home, or engaging in exciting activities, I hope you have a lovely school holiday.

I look forward to seeing everyone in Term 3.


Thank you.





Sormeh Afkari

Assistant Principal - Primary



Chocolate House

Students in main Prep have been making a very large chocolate house. Preps had the opportunity to work with our local Kindergarten kids who came for a visit, they all made chocolates together out of clay. They cannot wait to share it with our community next Term once it is all finished. They are having so much fun. 

Angela Dionysopoulos

Primary Art/Performing Arts program



Winter Gala Day

Last Friday, our Grade 6s participated in the Winter Gala Day - playing either soccer or netball against other schools in our district. The Collingwood students represented our school very well - winning some games and losing others, but more importantly, taking the opportunity to make new friends and put our skills to practice. Well done all!

Mel Keks

Health & PE Teacher



INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 15 February) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:





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