Principal's Report




Dear Collingwood College Community,


Term 2 has passed by swiftly, filled with enriching extracurricular activities and meaningful learning experiences in our classrooms. As we approach the upcoming holidays, I hope this term has been a period of growth and development for you and your families. Here at Collingwood College, our staff members also continue to learn and grow alongside our students.


Over the past few weeks, our focus has been on the successful Reclink Community Cup, which took place last Sunday. Collingwood College played a significant role as a major partner in this event, promoting our school to the wider community. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire School Council for their invaluable contributions in making this event possible. Your support has been instrumental. Special recognition goes to Geoff R, Angela W, Rob R, Lori M, and Chef Judy, whose dedication and countless hours made the Community Cup a remarkable success. I would also like to acknowledge our VET students and other student volunteers for their outstanding efforts in ensuring the event's triumph.


In other exciting news, I am thrilled to announce that we have received official approval for a comprehensive roof repair project. The estimated cost for this endeavour exceeds one million dollars, involving the construction of a new roof over the existing one. We will provide further updates and official announcements as the project progresses. Stay tuned!


I am delighted to inform you that the Collingwood College Early Childhood Centre (CCECC) is scheduled to open its doors on the first day of Term 1 in 2024. Our collaboration with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) and the City of Yarra has been ongoing to plan the successful implementation of this project. This week, we have several meetings planned with demolition experts, soil testers, architects, and project managers. Towards the end of this term, there will be some demolition of the old 'cultural infusion' building to make way for the Centre. The building itself will be a modular structure, transported to the site. Access to Vere Street will still be available, as we will be moving the gate and creating a dedicated entry pathway. We will keep you informed about the progress of this project as it unfolds.  A reminder that the City of Yarra will be operating the CCECC not Collingwood College.



Looking ahead to 2024, I am excited to announce that we will be introducing the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP-IB) for mainstream students in Years 6 and 7. It is important to note that the MYP is not the curriculum itself, but rather a framework for delivering the curriculum. This program will bring numerous benefits to our students. I am pleased to share that Lori Michael, our Leading Teacher (Teaching and Learning), will be leading initial training for our dedicated teachers. We will host information sessions and Q&A sessions in the coming term, so please stay tuned for Compass posts containing further details.


Lastly, I want to inform you that we are working towards publishing all Semester One Reports before the start of Term 3. Parents will be able to access an electronic copy of their child's report via Compass. For those who prefer a printed copy, please make a request through the reception. Semesterly reports provide an excellent opportunity for students to reflect on their academic progress, focusing on their strengths and identifying areas for improvement. If parents have any further questions or would like additional feedback regarding the reports, please do not hesitate to contact the teachers.


Again, I wish you all a wonderful and rejuvenating holiday break. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in creating the greatest school in Victoria!


Stay well,


Sam Luck

College Principal

Collingwood College

Cromwell St & McCutcheon Way, Collingwood, Vic, 3066

Ph: 03 9412 7700   
