School Calendar

List of important dates including excursions, camps, holidays, etc


19School Newsletter Issue no.8 
23Divisional Cross Country 
24School Council Meeting 
29District Winter Sports 
1Regional Cross Country 
2School Newsletter Issue no.9 
2Wear it Yellow Day. National Reconciliation Week 
9Student Free Day 
14Divisional Winter Sports 
14WGAC " Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge" - Grade 1 
16School Newsletter Issue no.10 
20WGAC "The Twits" Grade 3/4 & Grade 5/6 
23Last day of Term 2 
10First day of Term 3 
14Dance Production at Assemly 
19 - 21Island Camp Gr 3/4 
20Regional Winter Sports 
21School Newsletter Issue no.11 
26 School Council Meeting 
31Gr 5/6 Canberra Camp 
31 July - 4Gr 5/6 Canberra Camp 
4School Newsletter Issue no.12 
18School Newsletter Issue no.13 
17F - 2 Swim Lessons 
23School Council Meeting 
24F - 2 Swim Lessons 
31F - 2 Swim Lessons 
1School Newsletter Issue no.14 
7F - 2 Swim Lessons 
15Last day of Term 3 

Parent / Teacher Interviews 

(There will be no classes scheduled for students on this day however students are expected to attend interviews with their parents )

15School Newsletter Issue no.15 
2First day of Term 4 
13School Newsletter Issue no.16 
25School Council Meeting 
27School Newsletter Issue no.17 
6Student Free Day -  Melbourne Cup Eve  
10School Newsletter Issue no.18 
22School Council Meeting 
24School Newsletter Issue no.19 
8School Newsletter Issue no.20 
20Last day of Term 4