Principal Report

Final Christmas Liturgy
Today all staff and students gathered in the Br Leo Scollen stadium to pray and give thanks for the 2021 school year. Fr Luke Bulley from St Paul Apostle Endeavour Hills celebrated the mass with its focus on the joy that the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ brought into the world. A highlight of the Mass was the blessing of the Christmas hampers that have been put together by students and staff over the last month and will now be distributed by St Vinnie’s to families in need in our local area.
The generosity of our community in hard times is inspiring, as is the wonderful work of our teaching staff who, at the end of a challenging two years, can be very proud in the way they have led our young people with care and a sense of optimism that all will be well. I thank Mr Swan, the readers and our Youth Band led by Mr Holewa for preparing a sacramental celebration of joy and thanksgiving to end our year.
2021 Semester 2 Reports
Our reports for Semester 2 will be emailed to parents early next week and will provide feedback for students as to how they have performed over a range of assessment tasks. It has been a difficult two years for student learning when we consider the challenges of remote learning however we are pleased with the learning opportunities, support and feedback we have been able to provide during this time. In addition to our end of semester reports parents will also find the ACER Numeracy and Reading Test given to all students in Years 7 -10 during Term 4 to assist in identifying any gaps in learning. Parents should also be aware that the Department of Education has again given extra funding for all schools in 2022 to provide intensive tutoring programs in Maths and English to support student learning. Further details will be provided to families as to how this tutoring program will work when we commence next year.
I encourage parents to set aside some time to discuss with their children the feedback from the semester reports but also how they found the Step-up Program over the last two week and the goals they have set for themselves in the 2022 school year.
The Addams Family
The St John’s Regional College Musical for 2021 The Addams Family finally got to opening night on Thursday of this week and was an outstanding success. The audience of over 200 people at the Br Leo Scollen stadium thoroughly enjoyed this production that our students and production team have worked so hard to bring to life since Term 1 of this year.
It is important to acknowledge that excellence like this is only achieved through dedication, passion, practice and great coaching. I congratulate all the cast and crew , particularly our Director Mr Graham , Producer Mrs Robinson, Musical Director Mr Perryman, Choreographer Ms Tamara Hughes, Stage Manager and Costume Designer Ms Anne Aldis, and Set Designer Ms Jacinta Ashby for the high professional standards they have encouraged from each one of our students. A show like this involves many people behind the scenes to acknowledge and thank so a full list of all the staff and students is found on the Addams Family tab in this newsletter.
Assistance with 2021 ATAR Results
The results for the Class of 2021 will arrive for our students from 7am on the 16th of December. This will be followed by the delivery of first round offers in the middle of January. To assist with the process of change of preferences for students our Careers and Pathways Leader Ms Leanna Bailey will be available on Thursday the 16th of December 9am – 4pm and Monday 20th of December from 9am – 2pm. All bookings with Ms Bailey can be made online using the TEAMS platform. All Year 12 students have access to their School TEAMS platform until February of next year to assist with the change of preference process. Note: Change of Preferences cut off for first round offers is Monday 20th of December at 4pm.
I thank Ms Bailey for the provision of this assistance and advise that Year 12 students will receive a letter outlining the assistance process early next week.
Farewell to Staff - 2021
It is with sadness that we acknowledge and farewell the following staff who will be leaving St John’s at the end of the year and thank them for their service to our community. I wish them well for the next stage of their careers.
Mr David Graham
Ms Tania Robinson
Ms Pamela Larkin
Mr Dion Spoljar
Miss Natahlia Poli
Ms Gabrielle McDermott
We acknowledge the retirement of Ms Judy Bishop after 38 years of service to St John’s Regional College. We are grateful for all she has given to our community and wish her well in her retirement.
I also extend a warm welcome to the following staff who have been appointed to St John’s Regional College for 2022 school year.
Ms Frankie Flanagan
Ms Tegan Yeates
Ms Wei Liu
Miss Jessica Edwards
Mr Tyler Hall Ferguson
I also advise that Ms Julie Miller will be taking a leave of absence for family reasons in 2022 and will return to St John’s in 2023.
2021 Awards Night and Art & Technology Exhibition
On Thursday of last week, our community gathered for the Annual St John’s Regional College Awards Night for the first time in two years. It was a wonderful celebration of student achievement across all facets of College Life. Parent and students enjoyed viewing the Art & Technology exhibits on display showcasing the talents of those students in the fields of Visual Art , Technology and Media.
Our high achievers deserve recognition for the consistent hard work and determination that was so evident during the long periods of remote learning. These important attributes will be the foundation for their future success. We were also treated to a wonderful performance from the cast of the Addams Family which will be staged on Thursday and Friday Night in the Br Leo Scollen stadium. I congratulate all those who received awards, performed on the night, or acknowledged with Student Leadership positions for 2022.
A night like this requires a dedicated team to work efficiently and effectively behind the scenes so I extend my thanks and appreciation to Mr Van Es, Dr Biggin, Mr Swan, Mr Perryman, Ms Robinson, Mr Bailey, Ms Ashby, Ms Aldis, Ms Goodwin, Mr Heeps and the administration team.
Class of 2021
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 who finally enjoyed a wonderful celebration of their graduation at St Patrick's Cathedral followed by dinner at the MCG. I thank our celebrants Fr Luke Bulley and Deacon Juma Lofornk for conducting a beautiful mass with its focus on thanksgiving and prayers for our graduates as they move into the next exciting stage of their lives.
I congratulate the following graduates who received awards for leadership and school spirit on the night at the MCG.
• The AMPOL Best All Rounder Award - Adau Matiok
• Spirit of St John’s Award – Ben Bailey
• Lasallian Award - Aiden Cachart
• Presentation Award - Tiana Amoretti
I also acknowledge the work of Mr Swan , Ms Fraraccio , Deputy Principal Mr Van Es , Mr Holewa , Mr Paul Boswell and our Student Choir for their preparation and work in creating a wonderful family celebration for our graduates and their families.
Kwong Lee Dow – Melbourne University: Young Scholars Program
I congratulate Justyna Komar from Year 10 on her selection into the Class of 2024 Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars. The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program offers participants the opportunity to mix with like-minded peers and future leaders. Over the next two years Justyna will attend a tailored program of events and activities at Melbourne University which will enhance her secondary studies, inform her career plans and provide opportunities to interact with the University community. She was recognised from 1700 secondary applications from across Victoria. I congratulate Justyna on this wonderful acknowledgment of her academic achievements.
The Eagle
The school yearbook the Eagle has been completed for 2021 and will be made available to students over this final week of school. I congratulate Mr Rhynehart , Mr Aaron Bailey and Ms Kersten Beus who have had the difficult job of capturing the vibrant life of our school community while we have been in and out of lockdown. They have managed to do so through many beautiful pictures and carefully crafted words in these pages and we are indebted to them for recording a year in our history that we will never forget.
Shared Stories Anthology 2021
Over 25 Catholic Schools in Melbourne participate in the production of the Shared Stories Anthology which this year saw our students contribute art works, short stories and poetry under the theme of Chasing Happiness . The Anthology is published each year in the State and National Libraries which is a wonderful acknowledgement and achievement for our students. I wish to thank our Arts & Engagement Leader Ms Tania Robinson , Communications Leader Ms Lisa Finamore and all the English teachers and Art teachers who guided our students through the process of creating their work. I congratulate the following students for the beautiful work they have contributed this year.
Leonard Santos
Hannah Appadurai-Charles
Sherlyn Antony
Valmira Dzelan
Brieyanney Lay
Leeanne Pascual
Claire Malin
Tristan Longmuir
Lola Marinucci
Bass Olsen
Bianca Hernandez
Rehmat Lamba
Cleyara Warnakulasooriya
Sima gul Sultani
Hatan Arachchige Perera
Shane Almeida
Sports Bonanza
Under brilliant skies , this year’s Sports Bonanza gave our year 7-9 students an opportunity to use the entire range of new sporting facilities at St John’s. House against House competed against each other in soccer and volleyball tournaments and the quest to find the fastest 100 metre runners in the school. I congratulate Monoceros House on winning the day overall and taking an early lead into the race for the 2022 House Championship cup. My thanks to Sports Coordinator Mark Alexander and all the staff who contributed to a wonderful day for our students. Final placings are listed below:
1st Place: Columba 58 points
2nd Place: Monoceros 57 points
3rd Place: Leonis 55 points
4th Place: Aquila 39 points
5th Place: Delphinus 37 points
6th Place: Phoenix 33points
We express our condolences and send our prayers to the family of long serving staff member Ange Davis. Ange passed away peacefully with her family around her on Friday the 26th of November. A Funeral mass will be held at 11am at St Brigid’s Catholic Church in Mordialloc . She will be missed by all at St John’s Regional College.
We pray:
Eternal Rest grant unto her O Lord and may perpetual light shine on her. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Master of the Universe, hear our prayers, we make them in confidence forever and ever.
Office Hours
The College Office will close for the Christmas Holidays on the 17th of December at 12noon and will reopen at 8am on the 17th of January 2022.
Merry Christmas
I pray for Jesus Christ’s wish of Peace and Joy for all members of our community as we move into the wonderful celebration of Christmas and the Holiday season ahead. I also pray for everybody’s continued good health and a safe return for the 2022 school year. God Bless you all.