Catholic Identity and Mission and Wellbeing

Mr John Ryan - Deputy Principal

Catholic Mission and Wellbeing


Young people live in a world far different from past generations. Family traumas and social pressures, visual images realistically portraying massive human suffering and pain are easily accessed. Our young people need a place to feel safe and secure. Our young people need to know that Christ brings us that hope. This was actually written over twenty years ago by our senior staff at Mary MacKillop College.


Our College Chapel is placed strategically for people to visually engage with Christ as they entered the College grounds. At the centre of the outer and inner walls can be found a crucified Jesus, with a particular theological significance. The significance of the Crucifix which adorns the outside and inside of the College Chapel represents a Christ of Hope. 

It would seem appropriate that a Catholic College that uses the symbol of the outstretched Jesus, would then provide hope for women and children to overcome violence.



On Thursday this week our staff and students were given a white ribbon to wear to support  White Ribbon Day.



White Ribbon Australia is a part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence. We strive for an Australian society where all women and children are safe. White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to end men’s violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create new opportunities for men to build positive, healthy and respectful relationships. The White Ribbon Australia movement works through a primary prevention approach in communities, schools and workplaces across the country. Through our programs and campaigns, we engage with men to become active in the social change needed to stop men’s violence against women and children.


Each homeroom teacher stressed the importance of the day to our students.

Thank you to Mrs Colleen Herbert and her team for giving up their lunchtime to prepare the ribbons for our students.


Student Mission Team


Planning for new initiatives has commenced. The College Captains group met with the Bishop of Sale and Captains from Victorian Josephite Colleges for 2022.