Assistant Principal's Message 

Week 7  Term 4

It's so lovely to have our school filled with young people and staff again - we have missed everyone and have loved reconnecting with you all. 


Child Safe

Cyber Safety 

The eSafety Commissioner continues to provide free online workshops for parents to engage in. 

There are several upcoming sessions on offer, details of these sessions are below, you can register for the sessions by heading to their website;


*eSafety's Parents Guide to online gaming 

This Term 4 webinar will provide parents and carers with an understanding of the benefits and risks of online gaming. 

It is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 8–13.

It will cover: 

-eSafety’s State of play research 

-the games young people are using and how they are engaging with them 

-the benefits of gaming and how to mitigate risks

-practical strategies to use at home and where to find help and support if things go wrong.

Dates (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

15 November 12.30 to 1.30 pm

24 November 7.30 to 8.30 pm


*eSafety's Parent Guide to digital technologies and mental health 

This Term 4 webinar will provide parents and carers with strategies to help young people and their mental health when they are online.

It is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 10–18.

It will cover:

-what do to about accidental exposure to content about suicide, self-harm or eating disorders

-using games, apps and social media to support mental wellbeing

-the pros and cons of digital mental health platforms

-strategies for young people to support friends online.


Education Sub Committee

The Education Sub Committee have been working hard to review policies which are close to the expiry.

Recent policies are listed below, they will be shared with School Council at the next meeting with a proposal that are ratified. The policies will then be shared with parents via our school website. 

-Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy 

-Inclusive and Diversity Policy (new title, the previous tile of the policy was 'Inclusive Education Policy)

-Digital Learning Policy (currently under development)


State Schools Relief 

State Schools Relief helps with the of new uniform, shoes and other essential items for families who are facing hardship. The State Government is continuing to provide support for this program through to December 2023. 

Should you require uniform and wish to have access to this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact me. 



Thank you to everyone who has support the Christmas Gingerbread Fundraising opportunity. We managed to sell 60 houses, we are expecting delivery of houses some time in Week 10. We'll be in touch closer to the time in regards to pick up information.