John XXIII Rowing Club 

Learn to Row program

Congratulations to the 90 Year 7 students who started the Learn to Row program last week.  The first sessions were held at the College gym due to bad weather.  The rowers split into two groups with one group learning technique on the rowing machines and the other playing team building games.  We look forward to all three groups getting out onto the water next week. 


A few key details for training days: 

  • Students to get changed into their PE uniform after school and catch the bus from the bus loop at 3:30pm. 
  • Rowing sessions will be at the JTC Rowing Shed at Canning Bridge. 
  • Sessions will run from 4:00-5:20pm with the bus returning to the College at approximately 6pm.  The bus will now drop students off at admin loop (Mooro drive). 
  • If the weather is bad, the session will be held at the College gym from 3:30-4:30pm.  An email will be sent to notify students and parents. 

Help us push towards our fundraising goal

Established in 1993, the John XXIII College Rowing Club has developed many students into strong minded, resilient, and committed individuals, with many going on to compete in state, national and international competitions.


The Club is accessed by over 200 students each year, catering for rowers of all levels. We provide training and instruction by qualified coache susing the best equipment possible.


The Club is now aiming to raise $10,000 to helppurchase a new racing Coxed Quadruple Scull.


It will replace one of our older boats, which aftermany years of wear now spends more time being repaired than being rowed.


We are calling on the John XXIII College community to help us raise funds toward purchasing this new Quad for the Club. 


All donations are tax deductible, so please consider chipping in. Your contribution will allow us to continue to support rowing students to achieve their best.


Find out more about our rowing program at 

To donate online go to:


Season 2022

For our John XXIII College rowers, enjoy the break as rowing will begin again in Term 1. We have a few highlights next year with the All Schools Championships being our major focus and hosting the IGSSA Head of the River. 









Jerram Gibson

Rowing Coordinator