From the Principal

A person’s name

It was Dale Carnegie who wrote in 1937:

‘Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in the language.’

Last week we celebrated the 27th World Teachers’ Day, a day that acknowledges the contribution of all involved in educating young children. We are blessed at John XXIII College to have a wonderful staff very committed to providing a safe and happy place for our students to learn. We are always very appreciative when those efforts are recognised by our community.


Small gestures such as last week’s Morning Tea provided by our Parents' Association, are gratefully received by our staff.


Part of good teaching is to know the students and to use their names. Our Primary staff do a remarkable job in getting to know our young students and guiding their learning. Our Secondary teachers often teach well over 100 students and are also committed to bringing out the best in their students.


Our College exists to enable students to strive to achieve their potential. Carol Dweck, an educational researcher most famous for her work on a creating a growth mindset, states: 

'If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.'


Good teaching is about enjoying the company of young people and enjoying the challenge of learning. Congratulations to our dedicated staff committed to the learning of our students. Respectful relationships between students, staff and parents are the cornerstone of the education at John XXIII College.


Heritage  | Issue 47   | November 2021

Welcome to the November 2021 issue of Heritage. This issue is packed with exciting stories covering John XXIII College, Alumni and staff.


You can read about a myriad of achievements and offerings; from dancing up a storm, to enhancing sailing prowess, to cultivating business leaders, I'm sure you will be impressed by the wonderful talents of our community.

Read these stories and more at 



Robert Henderson
