Progress Reports & P/T/S Conferences
Progress Reports
Term 3 Progress Reports will be made available on Compass from Monday 9th September at 9am.
Parent/Student/Teacher (PST) Conferences – Tuesday 17th September, 12 noon to 7.00 pm
- Bookings will open from Tuesday 10th September at 9 am until Monday 16th September at 9.30am via Compass.
- Interpreters can also be booked via Compass when making your bookings. Interpreters will be available to meet at the General Office prior to the first booked interview.
- Students are strongly encouraged to attend Conferences with their parents/carers.
- The Café will be open on this day from 12 noon to 5.00 pm
- A number of teachers are unavailable for interviews due to camps and activities occurring in that school week. If you are unable to make an appointment with the relevant teacher and you would like to find out more information about your child’s progress, we suggest emailing the teacher and asking for feedback either via email or phone.
Learning Tasks
- In almost all subjects, students will have completed at least one Learning Task by this point in the semester. The results and comments on your child’s achievement and areas for improvement can be found by choosing your child’s ‘Profile’, then ‘Learning Tasks’. In this menu, you may find it most useful to choose ‘Group by code’. By clicking on the ‘Learning Task’ itself, then the ‘Feedback’ tab, you can see the marks and comments that teachers have made.
- A more detailed guide (with pictures) to help you navigate to Learning Tasks can be found on Compass via the Community icon (people icon) > School Documentation > Compass Guide for Parents > Parents’ Guide to Compass.
- We strongly encourage you to have a look at the Learning Task marks and comments prior to PST Conferences so that you get the most out of the discussions.
Brent Houghton
Assistant Principal