Lower Primary Learning

Welcome Back
Welcome back to term 2. I trust that everyone had a relaxing and restful break with your family and friends. We are looking forward to a busy yet exciting term full of learning and special events which include swimming for PHT and PLB, our Mother’s Day afternoon tea and the Chinese Dragon and African Drumming incursions which have been planned to support our integrated unit “Stories of the Past”
PLW, PHT and PLW classrooms have received a face lift with the purchase of new furniture to create great learning spaces full of colour and interest. This now means that all classrooms across Lower Primary have updated their furniture over the past few years. The new furniture is an ergonomically designed system to reflect the ways students of all sizes use school furniture, giving them the best chance to be comfortable, to concentrate and to learn well. The new chairs with their independently pivoting seat and back, means students can sit forward or lean back in comfort with no pressure points. Everyone is very happy with the new furniture!
Lower Primary continues to organise the “Free Fruit program” which will continue throughout the year. This school funded initiative enables us to purchase a range of fresh fruit for our students each week from a local business each Tuesday. The students of PNC have been responsible for sorting and delivering the fruit to classrooms. Platters are prepared in classrooms and students are encouraged to try a variety of different fruit. Some of the fruit has also been used in class cooking programs. The feedback from staff is that the students love the program and that many of them are tasting and choosing to eat fruit that is new to them. The program is more comprehensive than just supplying fruit because students are also being taught the benefits of healthy eating habits at school which include drinking water and engaging in physical activity.
An overview of term two Content Areas :
Number and Algebra
Addition weeks 1-4
Students will be looking at more or larger as concepts and this will graduate to solving simple addition equations.
Subtraction weeks 5-8
Students will be looking at less and smaller as concepts and this will graduate to solving simple subtraction equations.
Pattern and Algebra weeks 9-11
This includes recognising a simple two colour pattern, skip counting, determining which set is larger, using place value patterns to generalise a number sequence.
Measurement and Geometry
Time weeks 1-6
Students will be identifying events that take place at different stages of the day.
Location weeks 7-11
Students are locating an item that is common to the room. (e.g. go and get me the whiteboard markers) As it becomes more complex students would use location language, e.g. under, on, left, right.
Reading and Viewing
Comprehension Strategies week 1-4
Students continue to develop specific comprehension strategies
Concepts About Print week 5-8
Students will be working through various concepts from the front and back of a book to identifying high frequency words in texts.
Word Level Grammar week 9-11
Students will be connecting objects to names.
- Narrative 1-5
- Recount weeks 6-10