
Y11 Chemistry Excursion
On Thursday September 21st the year 11 Chemistry class spent the day at Latrobe University to experience Chemistry in the University Laboratory complete with high end equipment not found in a High School.
We spent the day analysing water supplies using Spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption and UV/HPLC techniques to determine the level of contaminants in the moat water at Latrobe University. Some of these contaminants include heavy metals and organic compounds usually found in a petrol station, not at all suitable for human use.
The information from this day is important as part of Unit 2 Chemistry and will help students that go on to study Units 3 and 4 Chemistry. Our students really enjoyed the day, even the extensive Public Transport required to get us all there and the beautiful weather. The University experience was a real eye-opener – many students have set their sights for Tertiary studies as they discovered the joy of the University Chemistry Lab. Thanks for your efforts on the day to all of you, especially being on time at Boronia station for our extremely early start.
Ms. Grunberg
Year 11 Chemistry Teacher
Science Competition
Some Fairhills students participated in the UNSW International Science Competitions.
Congratulations to the following students who received these awards:
Blake Brammall – Year 7 - (High distinction)
Leo Allain – Year 7 - (Distinction)
Aaron Alderson – Year 7 - (Credit)
Jacob Carey – Year 7 - (Credit)
Brendan Farmer – Year 7 - (Credit)
Charisma Thomas – Year 7 - (Credit)
Rituraj Kangle – Year 8 - (Credit)
Levi Waters – Year 8 - (Credit)
Matthew Chong – Year 11 - (Distinction)
Year 9 Science
Year 9 Students have been investigating different types of current and future technologies as part of their Science coursework this semester. From Solar Panels to Smart Watches to Robots, the advance of technology and human achievement is marking us toward a different future. The Year 9 students from Ms. Oliver and Mr. MacLean’s classes have researched long through the term and have created some excellent assignments, including; Stories about our Robotic Future, board games about computer games and fully functional moving robots! Pictured below is a Solar Powered house created by Riley Olsen, and a Tornado Diorama depicting the changing weather conditions of the future by Luke Osborne.
Ben MacLean
Science Teacher