From the Office...

General Office
Office hours: 8.15am to 4.30pm
Telephone: 9758 5022
Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email directly.
Office Personnel
Who will be able to help you in term 4?
There has been a re-distribution of roles in the office:
Penny Niven is our Business Manager.
Julia Newnham is our receptionist / front office lady.
If you need to talk to someone about your student’s attendance / absence – Sharon Cocks is the lady to help you.
Michelle Hodson is the go-to person with finance questions, while Barbara Dwyer can help with student selections.
Irene Smith is Office Manager and will help wherever needed.
Carol Charles is being seconded to Eastern Ranges School as their Business Manager for term 4 – congratulations Carol! We look forward to having you back at Fairhills in 2018.
Finance Information
With the end of the year approaching quickly we ask that you finalise all outstanding financial commitments as soon as possible. Statements showing only outstanding amounts will be emailed on Monday, 16th October.
2018 Year 12 students have been fitted for their Graduation Rugby tops – the cost is $80 and should be paid to the school office by Friday, 20th October (using B.Pay, Eftpos, cheque or cash).
2018 Year 10 students will have received notification via Compass about upgrading their Notebooks for the final 3 years of their schooling at Fairhills – please return the form indicating whether or not you intend purchasing a new Notebook.
Remember to update your contact details with the office IF you change phone numbers/address/place of employment. We MAY need to contact you in the case of an emergency. If you make alterations to your details on COMPASS you should also email the school on with the same information.
Student Absences
9758 5022
Parents are requested to phone the school before 9.00am if your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason & leave a message after the prompt. Please leave a message outlining the reason for the absence and if known the length of time your child will be away from school. The absence line is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.
Parents are encouraged to mark absences on Compass.
If a student arrives at school late they should report to their classroom teacher.
If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian or record the absence on Compass.
Important - Asthma
If your student has a medical alert for ASTHMA the school MUST be supplied with an updated Management Plan every 12 months.
Many of our students, recorded as having asthma, DO NOT have current plans.
Please download the form from : and have it completed and signed by a practising Medical Practitioner & return it to school.