Changes coming...

Transition to Progressive Reporting

This year, the College will be implementing progressive reporting for Years 7 to 10, and next year it will be extended to include VCE. The purpose of this change is to provide more frequent reporting about what students are actually learning, as well as some measures about their approach to learning (effort, behaviour and organisation). The progressive reports will replace the Interim and End-of-Semester reports used in the past.


What will progressive reporting look like?

For reporting and planning purposes, each subject will be composed of three Learning Focus areas per semester, though some subjects may have fewer, or more, depending upon the number of contact hours per week and the amount of curriculum that must be covered. These Learning Focus areas will be described by a name, an overarching question and typically three ‘curriculum statements’ that will be reported against. These statements describe the key knowledge and skills associated with the Learning Focus and are based upon the Victorian Curriculum. The type of measure that will be used for these statements will indicate where a student is at with their learning relative to their age expected level. For example, ‘At Expected Level’ or ‘Above Expected Level’ and so on.


For each Learning Focus there will also be three measures relating to approach to learning; effort, behaviour and organisation. The measure that will be used for these is ‘Needs Attention’, ‘Good’, ‘Excellent’ and so on.


A sample of what the progressive reports will look like is shown below. Note that in this example there are three Learning Focus areas with each containing three curriculum statements. As the semester progresses and Learning Focus areas are completed, teachers will update the corresponding sections of the report. By the end of the semester all fields will have been completed.


It is anticipated that the reports will be updated monthly, starting from the end of March, and will be accessible to parents via Xuno.

The main differences between progressive reporting and the reporting system used previously is:

  • A much greater emphasis on what students are actually learning in their classes and how well they have learnt it.
  • More regular feedback so that more timely adjustments or interventions are possible

A more detailed explanation of the new reporting system will be available on the College’s website in the coming days.