Kalinda Kids Corner

The Kalinda Kids Corner is a place for Student Voice. A place to showcase student ideas and reports. 

What do our students have to say this week?

Olive's Garden - which you can now see in our new outdoor learning space near 5/6M and T!



My name is Olive and as part of my leadership role this year I have come up with an idea for our new Kalinda garden beds where we will grow fruit and vegetables to sell at our school assemblies to our Kalinda families with all money raised from the sales going to charities chosen by our students.


To make this happen I have had some support from local businesses which I am very grateful for  but I am also looking for some support from our generous Kalinda community as we are still in need of the following 


- Garden tools

- Watering cans

- Spades

- Seeds to plant/Plants ( Fruit and Vegetable)

- Vouchers or cash donations to purchase garden products or plants


All donations will be very appreciated and support us in creating this great new garden for our school and any donations can be dropped off at the office.


