From the Assistant Principal 

From Mrs Hopkins' office....

Welcome back to Term 3 everybody! Our families have been very busy over the holidays based on some of the wonderful stories I have heard. Holidays to warmer climates, camping, movie visits (I think Kalinda PS must have shares in Toy Story 4!!!), OSH club fun, renovations, snow trips and some all important rest days full of lazy mornings, indoor cubby houses, television, Lego, books, games, gaming... even just 'not much but it was nice' (I think the last one is my favourite!)


Please take a look to browse through the other sections of our newsletter. There are some wonderful student achievements to celebrate as well as an exciting request from Olive on our Kalinda Kids Corner page. 


Check out the "Around the School" page to find out about our Book Day dress-up plans this year!!!!!!

Parent Teacher Interviews

Next week we will hold our Parent Teacher Interviews. Please make sure that you have logged on to Compass and booked a time to speak with your classroom teacher. If you have any issues please contact the office. Based on feedback from our community last year, our interviews this time will be a 10 minute chat between Parent and Teacher only. This is a wonderful opportunity to touch base with the teacher on your child's progress since their Academic Report was written.


Please make sure that you have already read your child's report so that you can get the most out of this opportunity. This interview will be like a review of the goals set in that report and a discussion about your child's next learning goals - not necessarily  time to revisit what is written in the report.


When you come to your interview, some of the following question prompts might help you to guide the conversation: 

* What will it look like when my child has reached this goal?

* In the classroom, what are my child's strengths?

* How can I help my child at home? 

* If something goes wrong how does my child react? 

* Who does my child work well with?

* When my child needs assistance do they ask for help?

* What sort of social/emotional skills or work habits can I work on with my child?


Lauren Hopkins

We are kind.     

We are resilient.                                                   

We are respectful.