What makes our team unique!

Getting to Know our Team - Part 3

The Staff Team at CURIOSITY ELC came to a dramatic crescendo a few days before Christmas when we welcomed three new members:  Mrs Jodie Frost, Mrs Griseldi Sanchez and Mrs Karen Bloffiwitch.  I am so grateful for this team for being so open to explore creating a 'start up' team.  Starting from the 'grassroots' is an extremely epic venture little lone bringing 9 people together who have not worked with each other before. 

I can confidently say - it feels like we have been together for more than 5 days!  Coming together has been an absolute joy with a level of maturity and willingness to go 'above and beyond'.  I commend our team to you and know that your children are in great hands.

This week our team have been exploring:

1. Culture and group norms;

2. Our Statement of Philosophy;

3. Policies and procedures specific to our ELC and how they inform our conduct and practice;

4. The principles of Reggio Emilia and how they translate into our community;

5.  Each child's 'Meet & Greet' notes and planning the first few weeks of our learning program;

6.  Spaces and how children learn within them;

7.  All the other special programs such as Fully Booked, Storypark and Edumate;

8.  How much food can one team enjoy together!  (very important inquiry)

I look forward to sharing more of our team profiles and professional growth in times to come.  If at anytime you have a question, you are able to approach any of our friendly team.