From the Director 

'The Dream Becomes the Reality'

 Welcome to our second iNewsletter for 2020!

I will be honest with you and say that I will find every excuse under the sun to not have to ride a rollercoaster.  Even in Disneyland, I found myself trembling at the thought of stepping into a carriage in which I had no control of.  I did manage to enjoy the Dumbo ride, but that was because I could control how high it went.


I wonder .......... is there a face in this roller-coaster image above that resonates with how you are feeling about your child starting at CURIOSITY ELC next week (4 sleeps to go!)  For some of you, your hands are raised with excitement, your eyes full of pride and celebration, your smiles gleaming from ear to ear or maybe you're like the little treasure who is anticipating the worst?  I hope that your response is more of a positive one.


In Proverbs 3:5-6, we read, "Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions.  With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you wherever you go.  


It can be in times when we are not able to be in control, that we can trust in God to guide us, strengthen us and frame our thinking to be positive even if that isn't our natural posture.


I encourage you over this long weekend, to enjoy the times of preparation for next week and even if you are feeling yourself a little worried, do your best to find all the positives and present what a wonderful time your child will have at Curiosity.


Have a fabulous long weekend and I will see you all next week,

Jacqui Gliddon