General News

School Canteen

The School Canteen re-opened this week for cashless lunch order sales only.  This means if you are choosing to purchase a lunch order for your child, you will need to order using the QKR! App only.  Cash WILL NOT be accepted.  Orders will not be accepted after 10.00am on the required day.  No parent helpers are allowed in the Canteen at this stage.

Centacare Parent Newsletter

School Fees - Important Information

COVID-19 Resources for Parents

The following COVID-19 useful resources (links below) have been developed to provide parents with information to assist them during this difficult time.  Please note the excellent social story that addresses the managed return to school.

2021 Kindergarten Enrolments - DUE NOW

A reminder to our St Ed's families that applications for Kindergarten 2021 are DUE NOW.  Special thanks to our families who have already returned your child's application.  For parents who have not, we ask that you please complete and return your application to the Infants Campus ASAP or make contact with either school office and an enrolment pack can be mailed out.  Enrolment Forms will not be processed until all supporting documents are received: Birth Certificate; Immunisation Certificate; Baptismal Certificate (only required if your child is a baptised Catholic) and proof of student’s residential address. Please spread the word if you know of anyone with a child wishing to start at St Edward's School in Kindergarten in 2021.

Clothing Pool

During this COVID-19 period we are attempting to limit parent contact as much as possible through our school office.  If you wish to access the clothing pool, please telephone our office staff and they will be more than happy to access the clothing pool on your behalf for uniform items and have them ready for collection in the office.


Have you completed your annual autumn sort of winter clothes?  If not, it’s time to do so as both the Primary and Infants’ Clothing Pool are short of winter supplies, in particular girls winter tunics size 4, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16 and long sleeve shirts size 10.  Please, if you can help with unwanted school clothing, we ask that you leave items at either school office. Thank you to the families who have already donated clothing - it truly is appreciated!   

Basketball NSW -Scoretable Course