General Information

What our students are working on or need.


Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrate their birthday this week:

Noah Swift, Sophia Nugent, Emily Halloran, Lachlan Grob, Mrs Macansh, Mrs Webel



At the moment there are some children with tummy pains, headaches, coughs and runny noses who are still attending school. 

Just a reminder that if your child is unwell please do not send them to school. Illnesses are spread easily between children and on to staff. 



Could you please ensure your child’s name and class is clearly marked on their order. Lately there have been a lot of orders without names or class on them.

Could you also make sure that you only order from the most recent lunch order list. A copy of the most recent menu was in last week's newsletter 




There has been a lot of items in lost property of late. Mrs Fletcher has spent all her spare time sorting through and washing items that are not labelled. Please ensure any items your children wear or bring to school are clearly marked with their name. 

If your child has lost a jumper, jacket, hat, drink bottle or lunch box please encourage them to look in the lost property boxes which are located outside the Stage 3 classroom and the staff room to see if it is there. If items are not claimed they will be sent to St Vinnies to be sold.



You are reminded that supervision at school does not start until 8:40 am and concludes at 3:40 pm. Students are not to be on school grounds outside of these times.


Bell times each day are:

9.10am           Start classes

11.10am        Recess

11.40am        Recommence classes

1.40pm          Lunch

2.30pm          Recommence classes

3.20pm          Dismissal



Organising excursions, sporting events and the like are very time consuming events for staff. One way parents can assist with this difficult task is to meet the due date deadline for the return of notes and money. It is not the job of either the teachers or the office staff to chase notes, and certainly not phone on the day before the excursion to remind parents to return these notes. Children and parents are given regular reminders leading up to the excursion. It has always been the school policy that if notes are not returned by the due date, then the child will not participate in the excursion. I have asked teachers to abide by this policy and hence if the note is not returned, supervision will be provided at school for those students who have not returned their note.  Office staff/ teachers will not be phoning anyone to ask for notes. 

Maria Mowle




Enrolments for 2022 have commenced and packages will be sent out this week. Please contact the office should you have a child ready to start school next year. 



Thursday 27th May - Donuts to eat straight away.

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd June - Donuts to eat later.


We’re taking orders now.  


Pay with cash or on  Eat Appy

(Download the Eat Appy app, Select Smeaton’s in your search, Go to Smeaton’s Menu and select St Josephs Lunch Menu,   Choose your donut order options.  Don’t forget to put your name in the Special Request section.)



The response so far to St Joseph's Wonder campaign has been amazing!! Thank you to everyone who have sent in bread bags (and the tags) to go toward the school getting some new sports equipment. Don't forget we have until June 25 to continue collecting so send in your bread bags now!!! Following is a reminder of the campaign from last week's newsletter.......

St. Josephs School has been registered as part of the ‘Wonder Recycling Rewards for Schools’ campaign. 

Wonder Recycling Rewards is a fun and easy campaign to collect and recycle bread bags and bread tags at school.  Once collected, Wonder is going to turn the plastic into wonderful things like play equipment. 

As a registered school, our recycling efforts will earn the school points to redeem for new sports equipment from RHSports. 

We can collect any bread or wrap bags (not limited to Wonder brand) and receive points.  We don’t receive points for the tags - but they can be collected as part of the recycling campaign. 

We can collect from NOW until the 25th June (the end of term)  so  lets start collecting.

More information can be found at this video link WONDER RECYCLING CAMPAIGN video