Secondary 9/10

A Message From the Secondary 9/10 Team
With Term 2 coming to a close, the Secondary 9/10 can reflect on what has been a very busy few months.
We commenced Term 2 on-site, and the students and teachers quickly found momentum and were all engaged in the exciting learning we planned for our students. Our students approached learning to embody the school Values of Respect, Inclusion, Honesty, Personal Best, Cooperation, working together to create a cohesive working environment.
During the week we invited parents into our classroom, we had to postpone our open classroom parent morning early, due to the re-introduction of temporary restrictions. As always, however, the community of Concord comes to the fore and embraced remote and flexible learning, as fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, we have all become very accustomed to pivoting ourselves to suit.
Our students again approached remote and online learning with an open mind, perseverance and a willingness to learn. Our teachers used the technology available to them to ensure that the learning needs for all students were being met, ably supported by our incredible team of integration aides.
I would like to congratulate our students for their positive and flexible approach to learning.
9/10 A
9/10 A have displayed resilience, flexibility and a positive mindset this term when faced with challenges and change. We have greatly enjoyed learning about government and democracy by creating our own country called "Richmonten" and "Ponty Pandy". They have also shown their creative side and ability to work in teams as they created wonderful designs using Minecraft.
9/10 B
9/10 B have settled fantastically with teacher changes and remote learning during term 2. There has been great enthusiasm with our Integrated Unit and gaining an understanding human rights and how to start a movement. Students designed and created a poster for something they would want to change and start a movement over. Movement ranged from phones in schools, all lives matter and more sports at school.
9/10 C
9/10C have made the most of all the challenges and opportunities that have come our way this term. We have enjoyed organising an imaginary holiday in Maths and writing a 'Choose-your-own-adventure' together as a class.
9/10 D
This term in 9/10D, we have much preferred to be back in the classroom over remote learning! We have completed our Integrated Unit project on an influential Indigenous person and presented this to our peers. Well done to Xzavier and Roger, who competed in the Interschool Athletics Day. Xzavier placed first in the 800-metre race.
9/10 E
This term in 9/10E, we have been learning about emotions and self-regulation. Each student made a self-regulation box that they keep on their desk. Inside, they put their special things such as colouring, sensory toys, pictures, and photos to help calm emotions.
Students enjoyed building a catapult for STEAM, testing how far they can fling marshmallows across the room and making adjustments to improve their design. It was great to see most of our students engaging in remote learning where they continued to build their numeracy and literacy skills.
9/10 F
9/10 F have enjoyed a busy Term 2. A highlight for students was attending different STEAM groups. Some of the groups offered was going to Melbourne Polytechnic for 3D Printing and Art, which were particularly very popular. In 3D printing, students got to plan and create a range of different robot from shapes using the programme TinkerCAD and watching how a drone fly's. In Art, students got to create their individual design to draw onto their canvas shoes showing their creative sides
9/10 G
This term 9/10G have loved focusing on our Integrated unit of 'Australia as a Nation'. They individually created a presentation all about an influential Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander of their choosing. They investigated how to make change in society and identified areas of need in our community. Well done to all members of 9/10G for being kind and responsible members of society, I can't wait to see what changes you inspire in the future!
9/10 H and 9/10 I
9/10 H and 9/10 I have been exploring what it means to be a good citizen with a focus on environmental sustainability. After learning about the dire consequences for animals and the responsibility that we as humans have to reduce plastic pollution, both classes have been working hard on their final projects to represent their learning. In 9/10 H the students had a choice to create a poster or record a video to create awareness about the issue, detailing why plastic pollution is a problem and what we can do to help. The students in 9/10 I have also been hard at work, collaborating on a documentary to explore what Concord School is doing to reduce plastic pollution.
During term 2, our focus in Maths was addition and subtraction and the efficient strategies that can help us solve real-world problems. Students experimented with a range of mental and written strategies such as counting on, split strategy, jump strategy, related facts and patterns and vertical to find a preferred method to solve simple problems.
During week 5, students have begun planning an end of term class excursions using their knowledge of time to interrupt and create timetables, calculate elapsed time frames of activities, calendars' features, and the importance of date setting.
Unfortunately, due to COVID, we were unable to attend the class excursions. Students will take the lessons from the unit and be able to utilise the skills learnt in their own event planning
During Term 2, our focus was on writing to inform and writing to entertain. Students explored the language features and text structures of both genres and implemented this into their own writing. Students investigated the types of vocab, grammar and word choices used across both genres and implemented this into their writing pieces.
In Reading, students focused on connecting their personal, world knowledge and familiar texts to reading. Students compared characters and events to their own experiences, compared two or more versions of the same topic by different authors or from different cultures, described similarities and differences, and used their relevant prior knowledge and past experiences to make meaningful connections to the people and places events within their reading.
During the second half of term, students turned their attention to inferences and focusing on what the writer means that has not been explicitly stated. Using their knowledge of inferences, students thought about the choices that the author makes when writing, the purpose of the texts and inferred the feelings and motivations of characters.
Integrated studies in term 2, extended students focus from term 1. Students turned their attention and compared different countries worldwide to Australia's government's structures and how as citizens, we can make a meaningful impact and change within our communities. Students learnt about the different ways they can impact change and media, influential figures, and people through peaceful protests.
Students continued to explore meaningful math's, science, and technology content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design.
This term, students participated in a range of subjects, including Kite-making, Marble Run, Architecture, Kitchen Science, Green Screen Digital Design and Urban Art.
Students also were lucky enough to work with the STEAM educators from the Melbourne Polytechnic Tech Schools. Students were set problem-solving task/challenge/objective used digital programs to formulate a solution. Students created stickers using Adobe Illustrator TinkerCad to create a 3D object from a personal sketch.
Fit For Life
Students continue to work together to make decisions about their health, wellbeing, safety and participate in weekly physical activity through our Fit For Life Program. Students participated in various activities, including Dance, Ten Pin Bowling, Gym, Mini-golf, Basketball and Boxing.
Our Interschool Sports team has represented the school showcasing their skills and sportsmanship in Hockey and bowling.
Social Competencies
This term in the 9/10 Social Competencies program, students have been developing their skills when working collaboratively in teams. Students have identified and listed characteristics of a good team member. They have engaged in activities to support these skills, such as playing team sports, classroom games and group challenges.
Students have also continued working towards their personal learning goals and have supported developing their problem-solving skills, persistence and resilience through regular circle time discussions.
Thank you for your continued support. This term has certainly been memorable and one that we could not have enjoyed as much without all of you.
Chris Malane
Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning