
0ne-two-rful 1/2s

Term 3 Week 6 - Friday 18th August 2023


What have we been up to? 

Well, that fortnight flew by! It was another busy couple of weeks for our 1/2 students. They were introduced to poetry and together wrote several Diamante Poems. They needed to use their knowledge of nouns, verbs ad adjectives to write descriptive poems about a variety of topics including, castles, winter and the Matildas. The continued to practice summarising texts and have mastered the skill of identifying who, what, when, where, why and how.


In Maths students were learning about money. They were very excited to create their own market stalls.  Each class spent time creating items to sell. They then took money and bought each other’s items. They practised giving money and receiving change. 


In Science students explored where water came from. They learnt all about the water cycle and even made their own in zip lock bags. 


House Athletics was a very successful day. It was wonderful to see all the 1/2 students getting involved and it was also great that so many parents came along to watch and cheer on! 



Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 

Here are all the 1/2 students on ‘Market Day!’  









What is coming up?


Over the next 2 weeks students will be introduced to inferring. They will learn what it means to infer and when they need to infer. They will practise this skill through reading a variety of texts.



Students will be introduced to a variety of poetry types. Together as a class they will learn their structure, language features and attempt to write them together and independently. 



In the next two weeks the students will be learning about multiplication. They will be introduced to simple language and ways they can multiply. These include arrays, repeated addition and groups of. 



Inquiry & Science

We will be continuing our focus on geography and weather for Inquiry and Science. In Inquiry they will learn about places around Australia and how they were named. In Science, they will be learning about extreme weather and how it occurs. 



Important reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


Specialist Days 

  • Monday – AUSLAN (with classroom teacher)
  • Tuesday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music 
  • Thursday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies