Apply now to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) for 2024
The Department of Education has released a new statewide timeline for enrolling in Foundation (Prep) for the 2024 school year.
If you have a child starting primary school in 2024, it’s time to enrol. Make sure to submit your enrolment application now.
If you are enrolling the sibling of a student at our school for Foundation in 2024, and both children will be attending our school at the same time, your child is prioritised for a place at our school as per the department’s Placement Policy.
What is happening in the ELC
Our Learning
Beginning to explore the concept of capital letters for the start of a sentence and the use of punctuation marks such as a question mark.
Considering the role of illustrations in telling a story and how these can enhance the printed words or give an indication to what else might be occurring.
Finding name on sign in sheet; identifying the first letter and finding the other names that start with the same letter.
Using sequencing picture cards to tell a story.
Creating their own illustrations through drawing, painting, collage, that tell a story.
Signing themselves in each day
Writing letters for posting in the classroom post box.
Strengthening and refining their fine motor skills through work with clay, dough, manipulative equipment.
Exploring the concepts of floating and sinking. This has been linked to the sharing of the story Who Sank the Boat? By Pamela Allen. The children experimented with which animal figurines caused the boat to sink when placed in the boat alone and what combinations made the boat sink.
For the children to explore the concept of patterning, continuing an ABC or AAB pattern using coloured glass beads or tiles.
We have continued to explore our Unit of Inquiry, One World, Many Stories, through many different areas of the room, including small worlds which reflect familiar stories, puppet theatres, studying illustrations and paintings and considering the stories told within these, using felt boards to tell a story, acting out familiar stories and creating their own story books.
Considering how music can be used to express an idea or to highlight and enhance aspects of a story.
Social & emotional learning
Discussion with the children about why they placed their photograph on a certain emotion within the Zones of Regulation, what led them to feeling this way and what actions they could take to bring them to the green zone.
Relaxation time while listening to music, reading a book or meditation/yoga.
News and Reminders
Book Week
Monday 21-Friday 25 August. Please see individual room flyers for your child’s day(s) to dress up.
Drama Toolbox Incursion
Monday 28 August/Tuesday 29 August for the Bluebell, Bilby, Echidna, Koala and Wombat Groups.
Wednesday 13 September for the Joey Group.
Father’s and Special Others Event – Wednesday 30 August.
Celebration of Learning
Telling the story of Who Sank the Boat? With the use of props and the iPad.
A science experiment enabled the children to further explore the concept of floating and sinking with the characters from the story Who Sank the Boat.
The children reflected on the stories told through the images contained in books and then used these as inspiration for their own visual stories.
Musical instruments were used by the children to enhance their story telling. They used an Indigenous rain stick to make the sounds of a storm.
The children are developing their understanding of patterning.
Posting a letter she has written to her mum.
Telling the story of Who Sank the Boat? With the use of props and the iPad.
A science experiment enabled the children to further explore the concept of floating and sinking with the characters from the story Who Sank the Boat.
The children reflected on the stories told through the images contained in books and then used these as inspiration for their own visual stories.
Musical instruments were used by the children to enhance their story telling. They used an Indigenous rain stick to make the sounds of a storm.
The children are developing their understanding of patterning.