Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

National Threatened Species Day

National Threatened Species Day is held on the 7th of September each year, this is a day to stop and reflect on the threats that continue to face our native flora and fauna (plants and animals). 

On the 7th of September in 1936 the last Tasmanian Tiger slipped over the extinction line.

National Threatened Species Day is a day when we shine a spotlight on all the Australian native animal and plant species that are facing similar fates to that of the Tasmanian tiger.


The Australian Conservation Foundation are running a 'Wild at Art' competition for school students to draw, paint or create an artwork showing a threatened Australian species of plant or animal. Students are also asked to write a short piece of information about their chosen threatened species. 

Entries close September 7th - artworks and writing to Miss Dunstan. 


More information in the video below: