Year 6 Update

6A-Mr Cole 6B-Ms Sharp 6C-Ms Sheers 6D-Ms Elkin 6E-Ms Ferdinands

6A-Mr Cole
6B-Ms Sharp
6C-Ms Sheers
6D-Ms Elkin
6E-Ms Ferdinands
6A-Mr Cole
6B-Ms Sharp
6C-Ms Sheers
6D-Ms Elkin
6E-Ms Ferdinands
SubjectLearning Focus

To celebrate Book Week.

To analyse images, maps, charts and diagrams.

WritingTo write a narrative using figurative language and show don't tell.
MathsTo understand chance and probability. 
Inquiry To advertise my MAD Day project.
Social & Emotional LearningTo understand gender violence. 

News and Reminders:

  • Homework tasks are to be uploaded every Friday to teams. Nightly reading with a parent signature is also still encouraged.
  • Students with phones must hand them to their teacher at the beginning of the day.
  • Students' BYOD must be charged prior to the beginning of the school day. 
  • Book Week - Week 7 (Monday dress up parade)
  • Year 6 Camp 6th-8th December
  • Mad Day - 8th September

Celebration of Learning: 

6B with their buddies
6B with their buddies
Week 5 - Star Student of the Week
ISS - Volleyball Team
6B with their buddies
6B with their buddies
Week 5 - Star Student of the Week
ISS - Volleyball Team