Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

Naplan - Nailed It!

This week we received our NAPLAN data from this year's learners in Year 3 and Year 5! There was much to celebrate as the leadership team analysed from a helicopter view the strengths and celebrations in our data! Our Year 3 learners showed the majority of our learners achieving strong to exceeding in reading and writing. The majority of all year 3 and 5 learners sit within strong to exceeding for all areas of the Naplan test. We have observed a decrease in the number of learners needing additional support which is a celebration and informs us that we are differentiating learning and providing interventions to ensure progression. The NAPLAN data is one data set that is used often and deeply to gain the whole school perspective and future direction. Families of NAPLAN aged children will receive their individual results this Friday. Please know that some achievement standards and language have changed in the NAPLAN assessment and a corresponding information sheet will be included.  Naplan results can be discussed at our pending Learning Conversations. 


This week we celebrate and introduce Mrs Belinda Lees who in Term 4 will take on the Deputy Principal: Community Wellness role. We are thrilled to welcome Belinda to the team as well as to our wider community. Belinda will take part in a progressive induction over the coming weeks, in hope of preparing her for her transition to St Mary’s. Belinda is active in the community and if anyone sees her out and about, be sure to introduce yourself and welcome her to our community. 


On the 14th August St Mary’s will have our Term 3 Learning Conversations. This term we are trialing these conversations throughout a school day and both face to face and online options will be available. Our booking schedule will be released soon. While families and learners are meeting with teachers, the rest of the school will take part in a collaborative peer day, supported by specialist and non classroom teaching staff. The day will focus on our founding saints and allow us to deepen our understanding of our foundational story and significant figures we base many traditions on. We will monitor how this day goes for future learning conversation possibilities. We do hope this supports our families and many of you can connect with your children’s teachers. 


As term 3 is well on the way can I please remind families that parent car drop off times start from 8:20am when the school gate open. We are managing to staff and supervise the auditorium for children arriving at 8:20am, and this is predominantly for bus travelers. Bike travelers and walkers are also required to arrive no earlier than 8:20am. Can I please ask that families support their children in naming an agreed leave time from home so that your children are not waiting in the cold weather or arriving earlier than 8:20am. The teachers CEMEA agreement states that teachers only need to be onsite at 8:30am. We are trying to support families as best we can but ask for your cooperation in return. 


A fortnight ago I had two of our Year 6 leaders, Ollie Spring and Mason Ratallick come and meet with me, with a hope of taking part in the Greatest Shave. These young men had a vision, passion and hope of doing something for the greater good. Both Mason and Ollie have met with me regularly, resourced this initiative independently and also prepared the advert which can be found in this newsletter. This is real life learning and the boys must be commended on their efforts, initiatives and motivation. The boys will shave their heads with the support of one of our parents at our Terrific Kid assembly. For anyone in the community wanting to donate to the Cancer Council or bring a gold coin donation the school will deposit on the community's behalf. The boys will continue to promote this important cause from now until the end of term. Well done to all involved. 


This week was the first official St Mary’s athletics day that I had the privilege to attend. Unfortunately last year I was at a principal commitment. After attending this week, I know which day I prefer! Well done to every learner, staff and particularly Mr Howgate who made the day such a huge success. It was fun, well organised and I was so impressed to see everyone having a go! The encouragement of peers and team mates was next level and walking in and around all events the buzz and excitement was evident. I have had many parents who managed to attend part of our day share really positive feedback. I know that all learners are eagerly awaiting our final results and to know which team has won! Let’s hope the wait is not too long. Well done to our Year 5 & 6 Age group champions - Harper M (11 girls), Sam H (11 boys), Milla R (12/13 girls) and Ollie S - what an amazing achievement! 


I hope everyone has a fabulous ending to the week. 


Take Care & God Bless, 


Jasmine Ryan
