Primary School

It was great to connect with many of our families at the Parent Teacher Interviews this week. These interviews provide a formal opportunity for teachers, parents and carers to discuss student achievement and learning behaviour, share progress and establish future goals in partnership. It also gives teachers the chance to understand a little more about the students in their care whilst at school. With a lens on continuous improvement, we welcome any feedback parents may have to improve this experience. Please email your suggestions to the Primary School Office via email


Term 3 Co-Curricular opportunities

We are excited to share the exciting Co-Curricular opportunities for this term with our families. If you have any questions about the available program, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.


MAGs Lights

Despite the unfortunate cancellation of the Moama Lights festival due to rising floodwaters, our resilient students have turned adversity into an opportunity for creativity and celebration. Our young artists stunning outdoor artworks with vibrant colours and intricate designs have transformed the Primary School area into an outdoor gallery. Collaboratively working together, they have recreated the magic of the light show by displaying their indigenous animals. Thank you to those students involved in this year's event. We look forward to the return of Moama Lights in 2024.


Girls Football Competition

On Tuesday 18 July, it was freezing in the morning! Once we arrived at school, we walked over to Jack Eddy Oval and warmed up before we started our first game. We played against a mixed team of Rochester and Lockington students. We won by four goals, and it was a great game. We had a busy day with six games in total, of which we won four and lost two. We were so happy to make it to the semi-final and whilst everyone gave it their all, we lost by two goals. Before returning to school, we were able to watch the Grand Final between St Mary’s and 208. We had hot chips to celebrate and warmed up with blankets. It was a chilly, but great day.

By Alexandra Boyd


I woke up on a cold and foggy morning, very excited! It was time for the Girls Football Competition. We were given our own school jerseys, and walked over to Jack Eddy oval, accompanied by Mr Harris and Mr Scoble. We played Rochester, Lockington, 208, Kyabram and St Mary’s. We won four games and lost two games. Our team made it to the semi-final against St Mary’s. We were very nervous about this game because St Mary’s was a hard team to beat. Sadly, we lost the game, even though I feel that it was the best game we played as a team. We worked together very well and had good communication. Overall, we came third. Everyone did very well, and I had an amazing day. Thanks to the teachers and helpers for putting this fun day together.

By Lila Courts



Primary Assembly

On Friday 21 July, the Primary School community connected at the first Assembly this term. We would like to congratulate Nate Murphy and Jed Dullard, our Martin House captains, for confidently running the Assembly. We enjoyed some beautiful performances from Ginger Whipp and Hugh Thomson on piano and the Year 5 presentation was enjoyed by all. A huge thank you goes out to Jesse Nye, one of the Primary Co-Curricular Captains, who put together an engaging picture collage which showcased the many highlights, students got to experience at their Sovereign Hill Camp in Ballarat. We look forward to our next Assembly on Friday 18 August when the Year 3 cohort will perform for us.


In addition, we celebrated those students who were awarded their Core Value Award. Core Value Awards are awarded to students who consistently display one or more of the school’s core values and motto. Congratulations to the students below. Keep up the great work!






Violet McGillivray 6BPia Teasdale-Dohnt 1CAlby Clark KBGeorgia Smith KA
 Nixon Pedrana 5AJJ Diss 1BHunter Wells KA
 Lily Reid 5BHarry Nichol 2BSebastian Rojo-Jang KB
 Thomas Cooke 6AChalmers-Lee Caldwell 3ANavsher Sidhu KB
 Taylah Brewis 6BBrandon Dalziel 3AEmerson Wright 1A
  Angus Frew 3BMia Binnie 1C
  Libby Hawkins 3BLillie Christian 1C
  Patrick Nicholls 3BBeau Coffey 2A
  Oliver Patten 3BIsla Kennaugh 2A
  Gracie Fear 4AHannah Gibson 2B
  Robert Francis 4AAutumn Corlett-Love 3A
  Cash Glanville 4BEvie Frew 5A
  Lila Mislicki 4BDarcy Knowles-Mulholland 5A
  Bella Edmunds 5AAva Connally 5B
  Tyler Hipworth-Hillier 5AJed Guinan 5B
  Alexandra Boyd 6BVihara Konara 5B
  Caelen Pellegrino 6BNate Murrells 5B
   Ruby Rudge 5B
   Jack Hawkins 6A
   Keisha Hall 6A
   Charlie Flanigan 6B


K-2 Stage Assembly

This week, 1B hosted the K-2 Stage Assembly. The class presented their Lighthouse artwork. The students also told us about the story that provided the inspiration. There was plenty of laughter and lots of well deserving ‘Stars of the Week’.





Mandela MorssinkhofAriella WhiteEva Michael
Phoenix VanzettaAiden DullardHamish Moon
Lewis CoffeyGinger WhippTanner Harris
 Margot WeeksEvie Pell
 Kaitlin Goodsell 


Stage 2 Citizenship Awards

Citizenship Awards in Year 3 and Year 4 are to recognise students who have demonstrated kindness, respect for others and have been an all-round fantastic member of the School community. Someone that goes above and beyond to make people feel welcomed, safe and cared for. The award is peer nominated which allows students an opportunity to recognise those people around them who are great citizens of our School community, people who are role models to them and others in their class. It allows students to show gratitude for the consistent small things that someone does to make their day happier. 


Congratulations to the following recipients who received their award at the recent Stage Assembly:


Stage 2 Citizenship Awards   

Jack Apps
Mahli Butler
Chanel Borg
Tahlie Clydesdale
Thomas Rudge
Hannah McCleary
Lila Mislicki
Isabelle Barnett
Lily MacKenzie
Isabelle Townrow
Darius Keam


Scholastic Book Fair

We are very appreciative of the support our community has given the school by visiting the Scholastic book Fair this week. Your total purchases of $5013 enabled the school to select a range of products to add to our already large library collection. Due to the popularity of many items, additional products needed to be ordered and these will be handed to the students as soon as they are delivered to the school. A big thank you to those Registered Volunteers who took time out of their day to help at the Book Fair. As always, your support is greatly appreciated.


100 Days of Kinder

On Friday 28th of July the Kindergarten students celebrated their 100th day of school. Students came dressed in the theme of 100 and wowed us with some very creative outfits. Mrs Cowin and Mrs Reid joined in the festivities by dressing up in their best senior citizen attire. The day started with a parade of costumes past the Primary School classrooms, where students were cheered on with streamers and bubbles from their peers. This was an exciting milestone for the Kinders and we had lots of fun activities throughout the day. The Kinders were even invited to a very special morning tea in the Hall with their teachers. There were many scrumptious treats on offer, which were thoroughly enjoyed by all as we picnicked on rugs together. Keep reaching for the stars, Kinders. We are very proud of you! 


Naplan Results

The 2023 NAPLAN results arrived this week for Years 3/5/7 and 9 students. These paper results were sent home with students to families and a PDF version will also be emailed to families in the coming days. 

From 2023 the proficiency standards replace the previous reporting of student NAPLAN results that used numerical bands and the national minimum standard. Students results are measured now against 4 levels of proficiency: 

  • Exceeding 
  • Strong 
  • Developing
  • Needs additional support

Please see the accompanying document Information for parents and carers regarding Naplan 2023 results. 



Upcoming Events

01/08/23              RAS Athletics (selected students only)

04/08/23              Primary Chapel Service

14/08/23              Science Week (Monday to Friday)

18/08/23              Primary Assembly; Year 3 Performance

21/08/23              Book Week (Monday to Friday)

23/08/23              Character Dress Up Parade starting at 9am 


Kind Regards,


Nici Deller                                                      Mel Scott

Head of Primary                                           Head of Teaching and Learning Primary